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  • Thanks for your response. I am talking about employees who are non-exempt, who occasionally work more than than normal 35 hour work week (and at times more than 40) and want to take the time (or time and a half) off in comp time at a time later tha…
  • Oh well. Thanks!
  • I have people that make less than $455 per week, but they don't work 35 hours. They work something less. But, if I divided their pay into their hours worked, and multiply by 35 hours, the pay would exceed $455. But from the previous response, an…
  • Thanks again. Another question. We have part-timers who make less than the $23,660, and therefore would not be exempt, but are at the moment paid on a salary basis. We pay them the same amount each pay period, with the expectation that on average…
  • Thank you. This helps tremendously, though it's not the answer we would have liked. Do you know if this is documented in a place that I could show to satisfy my excutives, who will want to believe I am incorrect? Are you using the "fee basis" to …
  • Thanks so much for responding. We have many part-timers who are paid on a salaried basis. They just work fewer hours. And if I annualized their salary, they exceed the threshold. And they pass the exemption tests. But I find nothing in the re…