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  • Try going to their website. Usually there is a lot of information. Sometimes they even have the music playing. Most of the time those commercial have that music specially written for the segment. Good luck
  • We match 1/2 up to 6%. This means that if an employee puts in 6% of their wage to the 401 K we match 3% and it goes on down. Of course they are able to put in more, but we only match up to their 6% which is our 3%.
  • I think you should be careful with a "requirement" of a physical unless there is a need for this qualification for the job. Some of our employees are required to have an annual physical and we pay for that, but others are not under the same require…
  • I would appreciate your spreadsheet as well. Thank you. [email][/email]
  • Where did you learn to spell?
  • Calico: I am from NE and use the same sources and find that we get pretty good response to our ads most of the time. I also post on our Agency website. This had been a good source also. I think you need to look at your AA Plan if you have one to…
  • I am working on new handbooks, supervisors manuals and the whole thing. Would it be possible for me to get a copy of that handbook also? I have been with the forumn for some time, but am learning by reading and don't post very often. I would grea…
    in Handbooks Comment by Sassy November 2005
  • Check with your state HHS (Health and Human Services) They should have a procedure and requirement for doing this. I am from Nebraska. We do background checks for all our Preschool program staff. Our HHS has told us we don't have to do volunteer…
  • Do you do bloodborne pathogens training at your organization for non-health care workers? What safety training has been done? Is he completing required work? Are there any work related issues with his performance? All questions you need to answe…
    in Hepatitis B Comment by Sassy June 2005
  • karene: I agree wholeheartedly with you!!!
  • Don, I rarely post on this forum, but read it a lot. The part about weeding the employee file made my eyes bug out. However, I suggest that the attorney take a close look at the request for the employee file. I recently had a subpoena and got the…
  • One idea that has been used to curtail absenteeism is that the first day off work is always annual leave, vacation or whatever your organization calls it, and sick leave can be used for the second day off work. This eliminates employees calling in …
    in Absenteeism Comment by Sassy April 2005
  • Remember, as an HR professional you are doing your job to handle these types of situations. You would not be responsible for someone losing their job. They are responsible for their own actions and you need to remember that.
  • I use a job specific evaluation that is developed from the job description along with a section that is general and addresses such things as job knowledge, team work, professionalism, communication etc. Each item in each section is scored 1 to 5 wi…