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  • (smiling). Ladies I'm with you. I have well over 500 pairs of shoes, ok well I had. Last year I had a garage sale and made $300 on shoes alone (smile). I need to tell you though I was depressed for the next week. I love shoes. I go shopping ju…
    in SHOES !! Comment by yrunvus April 2004
  • Don! Call me what you want. But, the last time I checked I was "free" to respond whenever I wanted to whatever I wanted. Funny, I didn't get mad and call you names!!!!!(smile) Also, DO not tell me when me when to post or what to post. If …
  • Don D wrote In this context, what does zero tolerance mean? Zero tolerance for what? The N word? Anything related to race? The use of a slang term such as Chink? Calling someone nappy headed? Saying the word Honky? Saying 'You white folk'? Talking a…
  • Raatz & Dond As I explained to you on several other post. If you liked me to say I yelled, kicked or assaulted any one, sorry didn't do that. If you like me to say that I didn't follow the chain of command from start of employment to the fina…
  • Raantz (?) You asked again what I did to get into hot water and as I explained. I listened to the employees problems. Even though I would refer them back to their supervisor. I still listened and that has created a problem. Shawn: I do conside…
  • SMace thank you for your reply. But I think maybe I didn't explain something correctly in the other post. I mentioned that some quick fixes were done. This was done by the CFO whom I went to at the start of my employment 3 years ago and at least …
  • Cinderella and all Thanks for the words of encouragement and advice. It is very much appreciated.
  • Cinderella I don't know what you mean by fishy but yes you are correct there are a lot of fishy things going on here. The only incident I can bring to light is that we have had another employee terminate in our billing department. At the exit inte…
  • Hi all thanks for the words of wisdom. I work for a non-profit organization. I report to the CFO who reports to the CEO. I didn't think I did anything wrong except for listen. I always refer the employees back to their supervisors (always). But …
  • My process is similaryto LFernandes. My supervisors/managers/chiefs all do what is called supervisory notes and turn them into HR monthly. What this supervisory notes consistents of documentation that a supervisor met with their employee to discus…
  • I'm not new!!! Just because I choose to read and learn as you said I should does not make me a newbie. I'm hoping as many of you stated its making me smarter. Most of the time I sit back and laugh. LV thank you for saying what several of us wh…
  • First I'm wondering if this individual were not an AAF would she even be questioned in such an accusatory, you have got to be kidding, race discrimination does not happen in America, no not in our country kind of way. Would she even be questioned …