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  • I'm statching my head again. Have you called Jerry Springer yet to get dibs on any royalty for the show this could be part of?
  • The benefits marker is generally a policy thing. And yes, an employer has the right to offer a position (and manage that limit) of 29 hours a week if 30 is the benefits marker. If the emploee accepts it, they know what they are signing up for. Al…
  • Being honest is best, which does not mean having to directly tell her she has a crappy personality. Spin it the other way. Explain what qualities got the job. She should be able to figure out that the qualities that got someone else the job are q…
  • What you say makes sense. It may just be a case of "it could have been handled better" but stack ranking 2 different job levels equally doesn't seem right. The higher job level should be expected to have more experience and have more responsibilit…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-13-04 AT 12:07PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I wanted to come back and provide an update and get some thoughts. SInce this post, the ee has sent a question in email to an HR contact. The question was asked …
  • Actually they advise that the ee SHOULD consult an attorney but oddly enough, 99% of the time they just sign them right then and there. I guess no one should get nervous about them consulting an Attorney, it's just not what everyone is used to. I …
  • Yes that's true, and beleive it or not, they "forgot" to get the final check cut which was simply their final pay period and PTO payout. Appearently they contacted someone inquiring and low and behold, someone jumped and cut a check and had it in F…
  • Thanks everyone for your feedback. I think just about everything was what I knew in my gut. As usual, there may be more to this. The rumor mill has it that an individual that was laid off may be consulting an Attorney before signing a standard se…