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  • Purely a myth about the mosquitos being as big as Chevys, although they have been know to carry off a small child or dog. I really have enjoyed learning to fish the "Alaskan" way - with a gun. The halibut are so big that you have to shoot them bef…
  • Having lived in California (L.A. area)during my "formative years", I can empathize. I love visiting there now, but wouldn't live or work there again. Came up North 22 years ago for a vacation. "Shock and awe" come to mind. This state boggles the …
  • (Sorry for the length of this post) I went from smoking more than 2 packs a day to nothing a few yrs. ago. It was a struggle to say the least, in the beginning. But it lasted and I am still smoke free, even though my husband hasn't been able to g…
  • We are a healthcare facility with almost 150 employees. Our regular part time employees (work 20-32 hrs/wk) are paid 4.0 hrs. for a Holiday day whether they are scheduled to work that day or not. They are also eligible for participation in our 401…
  • The issue is Jury Duty. Currently we pay the EE's wages while on jury duty up to 80 hrs, and they sign over any money the court pays them. After 80 hrs. are used up, they can use VAC hrs. This is for EEs that have completed at least 1 yr. of serv…
  • We've recently used the IRS to track down former employees that we no longer had current addresses for, that still had money in our 401k Plan. Info and instructions on how to use their program can be found at [url]http://www.irs.gov[/url]. Type in…
  • Waking up this morning to sunshine and a balmy 34 degrees after months of near zero...Woo-hoo, it looks like spring! Sure makes you appreciate the warmer weather when it gets here.