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  • I work with a lot of worker's comp claimants and I've heard a lot of strange stories over the years. This is my favorite. I had an EE that was attacked by a goose on her way to the parking lot at the end of the day. She ended up with a fractured …
  • We often have special promotions, well contests really, going on within our local offices and the incentives are gift certificates. Sometimes they are for specific restaurants or a general mall gift certificate, but occasionally it's an American Ex…
  • Thanks for your reply. I reviewed all the information you gave me and it was extremely helpful!!! I still could not decide what to do. Our HR person was really not a lot of help and as I was considered a "contract supervisor" I felt that some of …
  • I'm sorry, I am a manager, not an HR person and unfortunately do not have a lot of training in this area. They are now salaried exempt. Prior to changeover were considered hourly exempt. The profession involves someone with a bachelor's degree …
  • I am a vocational specialist and visit different employers on a regular basis for the specific purpose of providing a job description with the emphasis on physical demands. We typically provide these to doctors in worker's comp. cases. I have a fe…