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  • Has any action been taken towards the offending supervisor? It seems that there is a good bit of evidence that this supervisor should be dealt with?
  • Are you an electrical engineer? If the light in my office doesn't work, why would that be? Maybe you could explain. You have done a fine point of illustrating mine. Thanks.
  • It could be that we have a different definition of what the function is...or at least, how it gets carried out. Have you ever met a Controller or an Accountant that likes the beans too much? Nobody likes the bean talk.
  • Here's what the Boy of Steel would do. It appears you are new to HR. There is a whole bunch of HR ying yang out there that you need to know. Most of it is not fun or pleasant. But the quicker you learn the mumbo jumbo, the quicker you can get on…
  • Do so at your own risk.
  • 33 that you have to put in place. pppppffffftttttt!!!!! Go with SMACE's advice. 33 is a lot of mumbo jumbo especially if there is no problem. Plus, sex makes people happy. Let your employees be happy.
  • Now, that's worthwhile mumbo jumbo. Nice post.
  • You are asking for employees, who may not have a reporting relationship, to disclose if they are having sex???????????? If you guys move forward with this, I'd love to participate in crafting the wording for the policy. The Boy of Steel would have…
  • I ditto Sonny. Lot's of unutilized talent out there that lies beneath (or above) the scope of the current job.
  • Only when people complicate it with ying yang. I'll swap terms so you don't grow tired of reading the same stuff. The bean counter who fails due to his inability to appropriately apply his/her beanie knowledge meets the same fate as the electrical…
  • If a message doesn't take, you have to send it again. Next time, I'll investigate the state law and post as the very articulate SMACE has done. The Boy of Steel will have to return on many a day to fight the senseless HR banter that gets in the wa…
  • That makes me tired. Any real comments as to the substance of the reply? or just careless mud slinging. Do you take offense to the term mumbo jumbo? How much time did you spend analyzing the reply to come up with this crafty little reply? Ver…
  • We do agree about how the ADA applies in this situation. It's how the HR professional would tackle it. Giving up humanity? Are we suggesting that HR folk who are business leaders give up their humanity? Don S...once again your reply is getting i…
  • Don S, Please see the updated message in my other reply. The Boy of Steel is tired and bored with this line of banter. It's time for my morning nap.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-06-04 AT 07:13AM (CST)[/font][br][br]YAAAAWWWWWNNNNN. Okie Doke, Don S, here ya go. Your stay out of jail card becomes HR mumbo jumbo when its the only lifeline you cling to in doing your job. Look…
  • Even SteelBoy understands why the bank would accomodate. Do we need to fill out ADA paperwork to get something that would make us feel comfortable in the workplace...especially given this situation. It seems that there is plenty of other destructi…
  • Ditto on SMACE's well scripted comments.
  • Amen to that posting.
  • Not a professor. Lambast??? Oh c'mon. A little direct language never hurt anybody. I see several suggestions and replies to inquiries about communicating and gaining insight into others problems. I'm just learning the lay of the land on this …
  • Corporate HR Director for a Fortune 500 Company. Our HR policies are rather unique, which you seem to have picked up on. Always good to have a variety of opinions to sift through.
  • Now SteelBoy feels bad. Makes for a much tougher issue. I'm a cruel and mean HR dictator, but not that mean.
  • How well do typical leaders set expectations, provide feedback, develop coaching relationships, and then follow through with accountability. OK, I've added another bullet, coaching, but if it ain't happening then nobody will be solving any problems…
  • HR should remove the gray...not add to it. Works out quite well. If the shoe fits...
  • Yes. I think it's sad that many HR professionals and management allow problem employees to continue causing issues in the work place. You can perform the equation in a very nice, respectful manner. People should be held accountable for 3 things…
  • Here's a good formula for folks like that Expectations + feedback + accountability = problem solved 1. Expectations - Tell her to behave like a big girl and stop whining. Tell her to do her job and if she has a problem bring it to light in a pro…
  • What better way to demonstrate your commitment to safety and gain leverage in leading the safety intiatives than to hit the floor and actually work some of the jobs. First hand knowledge counts for alot. HR folk typically hate to do this, but lead…
  • I would recommend that you spend some time on the floor (whether its mfg, service, etc...wherever the work gets done) and actually learn about the environment. The OSHA site will be very helpful. But more importantly, don't be a typical HR weenie w…
  • Yes, it should read, No children in the workplace! Today's workforce seems to be confused about the role of the family and the role of the employer. If a family wants two incomes, that's fine, but spend some of that dual-income money to keep th…
  • We actually have our Corporate Policy Manual on the intranet. All policies are available for anyone to see.