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  • I assume you wouldn't be posting this question if your company had a policy about it so I won't even go there. Our employees do not accrue additional time off in any month that they do not work at all. Our policies would not support starting FML…
  • oh, no! Don, can you come here as a consultant and get us straightened out? I guess the 300 attorneys in this office don't know what they are doing!
  • We have that salaried, non-exempt category of employees. They are paid a regular salary every two weeks and if someone works fewer than their scheduled hours (we don't work a 40 hour week), it is docked two weeks behind. Overtime is also paid two …
  • Don, I'll have to get my C&W Emily Post book out on that one. I know a few women who don't think their socks need to match each other, let alone their bra or their belt!
    in underclothes Comment by Reysa May 2004
  • Don, you seem to know a lot about what was going on 23 years ago for someone who thinks 45 is old! By the way, I'm not 45 for another 6 years ... but I sure wouldn't wear a black bra and a white tee-shirt! Everyone knows black goes better with r…
    in underclothes Comment by Reysa May 2004
  • Giving out information is not illegal in and of itself, but it is best to get the employee's signature on a form releasing you and your employer from liability BEFORE giving out the information. I agree with Parabeagle. Another good reason to do t…
  • We have SERIOUS food police here (not HR by the way) who go to the trouble of 'baiting' the refrigerator with good-looking food that also has fingerprint dye on the wrappings. That way the thief leaves his autograph on everything he touches after t…
  • Yes, we include all paid time in the hours worked calculations even though the law does not require it.
  • THANK YOU! That is exactly what my friend needs. She is interviewing with the same company again in a few days and this will help her to be better informed for the next round of questions. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond and ex…
  • Thanks, Hunter. That helps a lot. Does that mean if a place has meet and confer that those who attend the meetings are not in the union? or does it only mean those meetings are outside of the union's control?
  • That's what happens when your HR Director leaves and non-HR people have to do the interviewing! x:D
  • Thanks for the definition, Don. It's nothing like that. A friend of mine was asked in an interview to define those two terms and describe the difference between them. I knew what collective bargaining was, but had never heard the term "meet and c…