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  • >Ooooooohhhhh, I wish I was an Oscar Meyer >weiner; that is what I truly want to beeeeeee. >Cause if I was an Oscar Meyer Weiner, everyone >would be in love with me. > >And who can forget, Tough kids, sissy kids, kids >…
  • What's the probelm here? I scored 88 first try. 100% Second try.
    in Color Test Comment by Cherrye April 2004
  • Sam, I would like a copy. My email address is [email][/email] or fax it to 828-277-7612. Thanks a bunch! Cherrye
  • Linda, I know from experience creating a form like this can be difficult. I would suggust enlisting the assistance of the maintencance department to create a list of the duties and the frequency performed. Once you have the raw data it will be mat…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-20-04 AT 12:18PM (CST)[/font][br][br][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-20-04 AT 12:17 PM (CST)[/font] We do not do credit checks, only criminal background checks. It is my understandin…
  • Under the Section 615 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act(15 U.S.C. SS 1681M) you must provide oral, written, or electronic notification to the applicant of any adverse actions based on the information in the background check. As proof I complied wit…
  • Mitigating circumstances???? Unless he is dead or in a coma, he could have called. I would terminate immediately. Cherrye
  • If your company participates in an Employee Assistance Program, they offer programs free of charge or for a nominal fee that are very good. In my opinion, half a day is more than enough time to cover this topic.
  • Carey, I would like to have one also. My email address is [email][/email] Thanks so much. Cherrye