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  • Thanks for the response. I found it interesting although, I am still not convinced that HR completely replaces legal. The company has been burned (six figures scorched) in the past by relying on HR when legal needed to be called in. As a follow-up,…
  • Pork1, "The ceo/GM understands $ollars and cents and an attorney is $175.00 per hour that the company used to pay, before I arrived. Now they pay me for the legal savings experience." I am curious about this conclusion. Is the cost of your salary …
  • I am not sure if your post suggests going to the hospital to fire the individual, i.e., "face-to-face." But if it does, I would caution against that course of action even if the ER has a clean kill on terminating the ee's employment. Face-to-face…
  • I agree with your point about litigation and courts. But, how about if the outside HR department interprets case law or regulations for the client? Isn't that giving legal advice?
  • Cynically speaking, that may be a fair point. Maybe the question should be posed a little differently. When should HR call in a lawyer? What are some guidelines or flags? I know lawyers (because they are greedy and think they are smarter than eve…