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  • Thanks...that's the approach I/we take. i was in a hardcore union shop for the past 7 years and understand what you're saying. I just a little light in the avoidance experience.
  • Not my first time, but first time in a long time. I have our legal counsel onboard and security on it.
  • Could you give me some more, expanded advice. I need to formulate a strategy now and am clueless on what to do.
  • I'll send you something.
  • we have the employee enter their data first..accomplishments, strengths, weaknesses and career aspirations. They then get it to their supervisor. The supervisor plugs in his/her impressions of the ee as well as strengths, etc....the employee sees …
  • The river of the union brotherhood is long, but not very deep. getting 10 statements is amazing! They must despise the guy to do that! Always give them a chance to get their union rep involved.
  •'s not a court of law.
  • I would be worried if you hadn't taken this action. Who cares what her physician said before this accident. She admitted to probably blacking out. That's enough cause for you to take this good faith measure to protect your employer, the employee …
  • Just say "No."
    in Party Pooper Comment by NA October 2003
  • Thank you....
  • I only use the term "union avoidance" with people who understand and appreciate the lingo. Thanks for the feedback.
  • You're exactly right. He is thinking about the old days and not taking into account the various reasons why employees might moonlight. He's also not considering the fact that it's ok for entry level employees to do it but not mid-level and higher …
    in Second Job Comment by NA September 2003
  • Do you have them sign an agreement not to moonlight while employed with you? If not, how do you monitor what they're doing?
    in Second Job Comment by NA September 2003
  • I agree with you 100%, but my CEO thinks otherwise. Unless we have a specific written policy or contract, I cannot see denying a person a right to earn extra cash. No evidence that the outside work is impacting his performance here either.
    in Second Job Comment by NA September 2003