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  • Sam, Thanks for your insight- and if I look at it as what will keep someone here, then the answer it much easier. Believe it or not- we opened up two RN Supervisor Positions and have been able to fill only one of them. And we extended benefits becau…
  • Great idea about the off site warehouse- we have had some picketing by the union and have hired off- duty police who stay in our parking lot right outside the front door in case of problems- we even had the head of the local police union involved in…
  • Thank you- these are good tips
  • Transportation to and from the worksite is a great idea- thanks
  • Yes, I believe that it is the NLRB which does require a notice be sent before a strike is called in a health care facility. I am not sure if the notice is 10 or 30 days, but 10 days is not a lot of time to try to find over 100 staff for replacements…