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  • We have a building/grounds person who is on call for any alarm calls or building problems. If he is called by the alarm company after hours he gets paid for 4 hours straight time. This happens frequently because someone didn't enter the co…
  • Hi, I suggest you call a local company in Wakefield called "The Survey Group". 781-279-9994 Check out their web-site at [url]www.thesurveygroup.com[/url] I'm a member and can get salary information on any position in any geographic location. G…
  • Hi, We do our increases the same way, but I wonder what you tell supervisors when they ask you "why the decrease?" We dropped our base from 4% to 3.25% and some managers are upset. We get our information from a local survey company. I am not sur…
  • Here in Massachusetts we have a Flexible Spending Account. We also ask new employees if they want their health insurance deduction pre-tax or post. We have a plant in Alabama that does not have a Flexible Spending Account/Section 125 plan and also…
  • >We had a one time $75 administrative fee. Could you tell me who administers your plan, Merrill Lynch, Fidelity...? Thanks for your help!
  • We just went through a similar experience. We too are self-funded and are in Massachusetts. MA state law is, you must allow 8-weeks maternity leave, paid or un-paid. We have always paid the 8-wks after completion of one year of service. The confu…
  • Margaret, Please put me on your list for forms. [email]nmangini@websterindustries.com[/email] Thank you,
  • Hello, I work for a manufacturing company too. I will send you a couple of job descriptions that should help you. Our Purchasing Agent/Mgr reports to the VP Finance/Administration. Good Luck Njmhr1109MA
  • That's the attitude I like to see! When someone is ready to quit smoking they'll do it! You don't need to have a day called "the great american smokeout" to do it. Most people don't quit when their doctor tells them to - why would they do it on …
  • I've seen cartoons like that too. It doesn't mean that Wally isn't doing as much work as the employees who you thought never took a break. The employees who sit at there desk facing the computer before and after working hours, looking like they ha…
  • rad, I didn't know that a workplace smoking ban is in the works for MA! If passed, is it a must that all employers stop employees from smoking inside the building, or will it be up to the employer? Employees will of course go outside which is anot…
  • No, I didn't want to delete your latest message to me.........I'm new to this forum, and am loving it. I most appreciate all of the opinions, help, etc. from all of you. Thanks.
  • Yes, maybe it is a bit of an "ego" problem on my part. I did have the supervisor's manager speak to her and she did not deny a thing. She feels that because HR knows about her departements moral issues before she does is not right. She also feel…