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  • That is where I was going with it with my supervisor also. Thanks for the information!!!
  • We normally have the employee start FMLA at the beginning of their pregnancy. A lot of employees will make their doctor appointments either first thing in the morning, during their lunch time or at the end of the day. So they are not using FMLA ti…
  • All I needed to do was flip the page and here it is about morning sickness. 825.114 (e) Absences attributable to incapacity under paragraphs (a)(2) (ii) or (iii) qualify for FMLA leave even though the employee or the immediate family member doe…
  • In Regulation 825.112 it states that an employee can take off for prenatal care. (c) Circumstances may require that FMLA leave begin before the actual date of birth of a child. An expectant mother may take FMLA leave pursuant to paragraph (a)(4) …
  • In Regulation 825.212 it covers how to handle non payment. What I do is I mail out letters to the employees once a month (when they stop receiving paychecks) and let them know what they owe. If I do not hear back from them when I send out the fo…
  • Thank you for your input with this situation. It was very helpful!