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  • Margaret, May I please get a copy? My fax #(913) 294-5961. Thanks, RS
  • Whirlwind, I think you hit the nail on the head! If we didn't have such a generous leave policy, I wouldn't feel the need to question exhausting EE's paid leave. Thanks, Robin
  • Sonny, Thank you for giving me something to laugh about! I personally would not have allowed her to retract the resignation. I sound like a hard***, but I can't believe my administration is so soft. I guarantee the district will end up paying her …
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-04-04 AT 08:50AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Whirlwind, Everything you've said is correct. I don't think I'm missing anything. I would have already made the decision to terminate the employee, but the admi…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-04-04 AT 08:52AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Don D, We did receive a second letter from another Dr in the same office/practice, who has treated this employee for only one of the two ailments listed on the or…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-04-04 AT 08:49AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Don D, The original letter we sent her was sent certified. I agree completely, that we should terminate at the end of her 60 days. It seems obvious to me that th…
  • I agree with you that she "blew it" in the way she went about it. Unfortunately the general consensus is that she isn't smart enough to have pulled this one off by herself. The administration believes she is being coached by someone. Regardless o…
  • We did allow her to retract her resignation. In fact, I'd say we've been every kind of "fair" we can be. She was given the opportunity to take FMLA and use sick leave during that time.
  • Was this a stupid question? I did look back at some of the older posts that deal with similar situations, but none exactly like ours. I'm a compassionate person and I know what I would want if I were in the same position, yet my better judgement s…
  • She is protected by FMLA (13 yrs service). We actually do contract an individual after a 60 day probationary period, however we still consider our employment policy to be at-will. And yes, school districts have all kinds of unusual terms but that …
  • Well, the physician certification qualifies her illness as a chronic condition requiring treatments. The medical facts state that depression exacerbated by recent losses and flaring of IBS. Duration of incapacity is indefinite. So, I posted the j…
  • Let me back up. I was told that she had been to the doctor last evening and that the Physicians Certification was on the way. I have not seen the paperwork yet. So, she has not been officially approved for FMLA. The truth is, Administration is t…
  • No inside information, just a feeling some people have. I don't like to rely on someone's feeling though. She is applying for SS disability and I am inclined to think that she will not be eligible (her illness is irritable bowel syndrome). I have…
  • Thanks-Linda! I may not have articulated it as well, but that is exactly how I assessed it. As I replied to Mwild, our attendance policy doesn't address any absences other than those considered unexcused. I feel confident that our district would m…
    in FMLA Comment by robinhrgirl October 2003
  • I wasn't clear enough on the course of his illness. The employee's spouse was found to have cancer, she knew immediately that she would need to be off for his surgery, some recoevery time and some intermittent leave for follow-up appointments, etc.…
    in FMLA Comment by robinhrgirl October 2003
  • Our policy only addresses unexcused absences. She could esentially take as many pre-approved days as she needs without pay. She is out of sick days at this point.
    in FMLA Comment by robinhrgirl October 2003
  • WE could ask for it at a later time, however, the statement made in this newsletter said that only after hiring the applicant should we request that information. I don't recommend hiring until reference checks are done. Unfortunately, I have had …
  • I'm not sure where they've gotten their information. Non of the seminars I've been to have mentioned anything like this before. I'll have to do some more research. Thanks for your response!
  • "In the district," refers to a school district. I need to spend more time looking under the KS Dept. of HR and see if there is anything there. I glanced through it hurriedly but was unable to find any specific info. Unfortunately, in this particu…
  • We're a school district currently using a company called CMKA (Clarence M Kelly & Assoc.)out of Kansas City, MO. They do a very nice job for us and offer social security verification, sexual offender checks as well as driving records, felony ch…