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  • Sign me up to work for your company...can't wait for the lawsuit and the back pay that you will surely have to pay based on the employee's estimates of overtime worked!
    in Exempt? Comment by ThomasG March 2003
  • Agree with some of the others. At our company all new associates sign a form stating they accept or DO NOT ACCEPT the different benefits offered. No issues then.
  • National SHRM Website...look under Tools and Sample Policies...they have what your looking for.
  • First...if this is the Annmarie from Euclid you should know better...Do you like pecans? More seriously, Under ERISA and the Supreme Court they looked at these elements: 1. The hiring party's right to control the manner and means by which the pro…
  • Ours is really very simple and works well. Different maximum amounts based on what level of management you are ( i.e 20%, 35%, etc) Based on sales / profit growth Example: 35% Maximum Sales/Profit Growth Bonus Payout 7% …
  • We have all our employees fill out their evaluations first and relook at their job descriptions every year when they do their evaluations and comment about what may have changed or has not in the last year. Works well
  • We have a manufacturing site in Iowa and are giving a 3% merit increase.
  • Suggest you buy the MRA The Law Guide. Can purchase by calling 262-523-9090 State of Wisconsin rules require that if an employee travels on an overnight trip all travel time ( excluding meal periods) must be counted as working time. Federal rule…