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  • Why would you even want to take the chance of causing the employee to file charges against you? How much can two days of wages be? Even if the package was late due to an oversite on someone's part, it was still late. I would pay him the two days …
  • It is my understanding of the FLSA that all employees have to receive their paycheck within 7 days of the end of the pay period. If the checks are arriving later than that to some of the offices, I believe that you would be in violation of the FLSA…
  • The employee has 60 days from the date of termination of coverage or the date of notification, whichever is later, to elect COBRA coverage. The payment information is accurate.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-19-05 AT 12:26PM (CST)[/font][br][br]We had several groups of employees that made no contribution to the cost of medical insurance premiums. The Board of Directors decided that they were no longer wi…
  • I had an employee who failed to make his initial cobra payment on time. I called his home phone and left a message a couple of days before the payment was due. He never returned my call. Two weeks after the deadline, I terminated his insurance fo…
  • I am a breast cancer survivor. I have been cancer free for 6 years. The treatments for the cancer were the hardest things I have ever had to do. I continued to work and had wonderful support from the owners of the company and from my coworkers. …
  • I had an applicant who interviewed well and had the qualification we were looking for. Her former employer said not eligible for rehire. After calling other references and getting good information, I called the former employer back and asked why s…
  • When I am truly overwhelmed (only HR in a company of 350 ee's with 3 international offices as well as ee's in 7 states), I start with the easiest things to complete. If my day is so full of interruptions that I can't even get through the simple thi…
  • According to the Employer's Guide to the Fair Labor Standards Act exempt employees must be paid for jury duty unless they miss an entire week of work. It says "Employers may not deduct wages from employees who miss work while they are serving on a …
  • Holiday pay for 8 hours would not count toward overtime owed. Because holidays are not considered time worked, the employees would just receive 8 hours at straight time. We pay for the holiday, rather an employee is scheduled to work on the holida…
  • We give 4 sick days per year, after 90 days of employment. If they are not used, they are paid for the days at the end of the year. The days are not accrued, they are granted.
  • I work in Utah, which is an "at will" state. We do not have a probationary period. The feeling was that once the ee successfully completed the 90 days, the ee was guaranteed a permanent position. We do a review after 90 days, but we always mainta…
  • The nontechnical supervisor does not know how to write software code, but she knows everything about the processes and procedures to complete software on schedule. Her programmers are held to a very detailed schedule and meet with her on a regular …
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-11-03 AT 12:34PM (CST)[/font][p]There are some circumstances where it is appropriate to pay employees more than their manager. For example, we have a terrific manager over our product development dep…
  • When we began our drug testing program several years ago, we gave every employee a copy of the drug testing policy and had them sign an acknowledgment form saying they had received the policy. We gave everyone 30 days to voluntarily take the drug s…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-08-03 AT 11:13AM (CST)[/font][p]We have three receptionist positions at our company that must be manned during all business hours. It simply is not possible for the people in these positions to never…
  • If we give a verbal or written warning and the ee refuses to sign, the manager writes at the bottom of the form that they discussed the warning with the ee and the ee refused to sign. There is also an area on the form for the ee to put his comments…
  • Linda, If it is at all possible, I would like a copy of the HIPPA information. My fax number is 801-853-5004. Thanks.
    in HIPAA Comment by kcovalt March 2003
  • I would like to have a copy of your privacy policy. [email]kcovalt@dtint.com[/email] or 801-853-5003 Thanks.