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  • oh im not about to get a judge involved, I was just corious about reasons that I was not paid in full until 9 days after I was terminated. I think pork answered the question. Thanks. in regards to just plain old forgetting, I do it, everyone does it…
  • okay, I guess since i started this post, I should speak up here. 1) She told me before I started that she would work around my schedule 2) i said THE LAST this i want to do is to sue adn that if she is in the wrong i want her to know and apologize, …
  • oh i guess i should have stated how long i have been with the company, sorry, since september. and yes that was the first time i had to call in sick. second time i missed any work. only time it related to my back and only time she refered to my prob…
  • okay im trying to think of any other background that may be needed. I have had physical therapy and there is nothing more that can be tried that hasn't. the only medication i can take at this time is tylenol, which many know, does about nothing in t…