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  • Thank you for the response. The employee insisted that the absence was preapproved by her former manager (who is no longer with the company). There is no documentation to support preapproval, only her doctor notes after the fact. The written repr…
  • Well ladies and gentlemen, the plot thickens. Our company's harassment and discrimination policy was distributed to the entire group of folks where the bisexual male works. Afterwards, I'm told that this gentleman is mocking the policies. How? …
  • Thanks to everyone who responded. I have 2 good candidates for that position and will be making a hiring decision within the next day or so. Once done, the temp agency will be contacted and temp's assignment will end immediately. Sometimes pe…
  • Would you mind sending me the information as well? My fax number is (252) 353-1848 or in e-format, my e-mail address is [email]tbeverett@regacc.com[/email]. Thank you very much!!!
  • Thank you to everyone who responded. I have resolved the issue by removing the H.R. Dept. as the middle man in this process. The payroll dept. will mail the earning statements directly to the office locations, leaving us out of the loop. 95% of ou…
  • We don't mind if our employees to work through their lunch hour, but I guess my question is.... Is there a law that says an employee must take a lunch break (1/2 hour, hour, etc.) Would we be able to say "According to ABC law, employees must take …
  • I would like to thank everyone for their responses to my question. We are a company who is committed to excellence in all areas of employment. As one of our committed employees, I am determined to do my best to provide the appropriate training, gui…