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  • I guess that police hat gets around! I think we should add "law enforcement" aka HRPolice to our resume?? x;-)
  • Alright, it's Friday! BE NICE! X:=| Have a great weekend, Don!
  • Ruthanne, sounds like you've got me beat! I guess HR Police, Angel of Death and "The Hatchet Lady" are synonomous with HR. Such a shame. We do so much good in our field, but are known for the one nasty deed that even we hate to do. Hang in there…
  • Alright, Don D. (or is it Sherlock??), I "am" a woman in uniform! x:D As for the attitude??? That'S an acquired skill after 15 years in HR!! Gotta love it!! Christy, thanks again!
  • Christy, I love your suggestion. And yes, a blown up copy of the HR Police Emotion Icon would add a nice touch to my monthly HR staff meeting presentation! Thanks a bunch!
  • What REALLY ticks me off is managers who are too "chicken" to handle their own employee issues. I've advised managers on how to handle employee situations, only to have them chicken out mid-way and tell the employee they'll have to talk to HR when …
  • Depending on the size of your company, and whether all your employees are in the same building, I have a fun idea for you. We organized the fundraiser where departments compete against each other by the amount of money raised, how much money over t…