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  • My resolution is to make a very real effort to send out 2 resumes per week in my effort to find a new (better) employer!
  • In think whoever saw him without his pants on probably knows a little something about his "background"!
  • I happened onto your post while searching for something else at home. Send me an e-mail at my work address, I think I may have some things that may be helpful to you. [email][/email]
  • >While you can dock your non-exempt wages for the closed day, you >probably aren't going to be within FLSA to dock your exempt (salaried) >for the closed day. > >The decision to close the company was managment's. If the exempt…
  • This was a salaried manager. By changing the tickets, he went back to tickets that were paid in cash, changed the ticket to show that it was a "promo" or comp'd ticket, and pocketed the cash. He states that he actually only did that to two tickets,…
  • Thank you all for your comments. Basically you all confirmed what I knew. I even had the authorization written out for them to present to her, but they didn't do it the way we agreed to initially. Oh well, we can only advise them...they make the …
  • I understand now, thank you for clarifying. Would that also apply to Longterm Disability that is paid for corporate exec's? Is there a cap for that benefit also?
  • Terri, I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. If the value of the insurtance is, say 65,000, then you pay income tax every pay period on the additional 15k? How does that appear on a pay stub?
  • I'm also interested in this. We have a similar situation and I was told that we still have to offer COBRA. Medicare only pays for a certain portion of medical coverage, and with the COBRA continuation, she would be able to use that for what Medica…
  • I wonder if the original question is more in reference to the issues that happened to the big company that kept a majority of employees on a temp status - to avoid paying them benefits - yet used them in every aspect of their jobs as full-ti…
  • We have written policy in our handbook that states that anyone off sick for three days or more is required to bring a doctor's statement stating they can return to work at full capacity. It also states that a manager MAY request a dr's statement …
  • >Renie, > >There is no justification for asking for a "Fit for Duty" for an >employee who is on FMLA with a family member. I just can't get past >the date on the Tracking Software, so will probably just put in the >return …
  • Offering her COBRA would have been the easy way to do it...but she refused to give us a current address, she gave us "bogus" phone numbers, all notifications were sent by registered mail and RETURNED undeliverable, the "doctor" would give her messag…
  • I had a W.C. case last year, the ee "just turned pregnant" when the unwitnessed accident occurred. We maintained her insurance throughout her entire pregnancy. She had a scam doctor who stated she could not verify the extent of her back injury with…
  • I moved here from FL, and was surprised as you are about the differences in labor laws in the District. You do know that minimum wage is $6.15, right? And that FMLA is different - DC adds an additional 4 weeks, but spreads it out over 2 years. I …
  • If you don't mind, I would love to have the forms you mentioned as well. We do not have a formal RIF plan in place, and have already had to do some of that. I can certainly use whatever you have to offer. My email is: [email]…
    in RIF:-S Comment by kwelzel February 2003
  • Is there one owner over all the properties? I have 6 properties that are listed as separate companies, but all are part of the corporation. Our atty, states that employees are under that big, corporate umbrella and (the question I had) was: do we …
  • I went through the same thing right around Sept. 11, 2001 and ended up taking a FML for three weeks. My boss totally "froze" me out of everything, including refusing to give me a salary increase that year, even though I had a good performance revie…
  • Please don't group all women boss (male) does come to work with no socks, no jacket in the summer, yet the women in this office who have to go to the hotels always present in a professional manner; hose and closed toe shoes and jackets…
  • I work in the hospitality/hotel industry and stockings/closed toe shoes are required. There is no option on that, even in the summertime. For us, it's all about we "present" to our guests and clients. Of course, in our corporate off…
  • I don't think it's a matter of's a matter of cost, and doing what's right. If the sick employee stays and works and contaminates the entire office, and other employees get sick...what have you gained. I say, let her go home with pay for…
  • I've been reading this whole nasty story, and am wondering where FMLA even fits into the picture. FMLA is for "medical care, etc" for people who are living. This all started with a funeral, correct? So how could you have violated the FMLA rule?
  • I agree with Margaret, it's very effective to have someone on the search committe that will be working with the new candidate. I was in that position myself years ago when we needed to find a new HRD. I was the Asst. HRD and not ready to take it o…