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  • Thats a very odd request from someone, Whirlwind. To have nothing better in life to worry about is beyond me! We are pretty creative around here, I highly doubt she will ever make it to see those children.
  • Actually until she completes the road test and the other testing that is required, she is not in contact with the public. Thankfully. When and if she completes the training she will be transporting small children. Because this is a government con…
  • Sorry about that. I am in Buffalo, NY and yesterday was a really nasty storm. Anyway, she couldn't get here so I had to wait until today. I am now going to burn in hell and our company will be closing its doors because of my questioning her (he…
  • Well, she slipped out today without me getting to speak with her. So I'll snag her tomorrow when she comes in. Today she had her physical and signed it "Reverend". Tomorrow it may be "Cardinal". Who knows! She is scheduled to show up tomorrow at…
  • We discuss our culture during the interview process including the fact that we are a "first name" company. All our name tags have our first name only. It has become quite the topic of conversation around here. She made a big deal about it yesterd…
  • We don't have a point system but we have policies regarding driving related issues. If you would like a copy of our policies, send me an email.
  • Thank you for your responses. Indeed, if she were to injure herself on the job regardless of the fact that her disability was a part of it, it would be compensable under the law. Unfortunately, even if she were to work out of her home and injure h…
  • We have adjusted her job duties over the past few months to accomadate her many medical treatments which cause her to be unable to work. Good question about the comp.