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  • Training is one thing but retention is another. The button would be worn by a beginner during the time the trainers were not available but the side-by-side workers would be.
  • Thank you for your input, I like the button idea. Our probationary period is 90 calendar days and wearing a button would not pose a safety concern.
  • Thanks for your input, I like the button suggestion.
  • Thank you for your suggestion, I will be instituting a "safety button".
  • Thanks for your comment. It is not our choice that the workers work only 30 hours per week, but that was the minimum number of hours set up in the past for full time. We have valued employees who go to school part time and employees who farm part …
  • I am re-doing our company handbook and any new policies will begin at the effective date of the new Handbook. I hadn't planned to Grandfather any of the new or revised policies, but I planned to have several weeks of meetings prior to their implemen…
  • I asked the original question and would like to thank all respondents'. Cindy, thank you for answering my question.
    in tardy Comment by cbs November 2002
  • Cindy - Thank you for your comments to my inquery about absenteeism. Would it be possible for you to share the writing of your Handbook policy with me?
    in tardy Comment by cbs November 2002
  • Our company recently completed its drug and alcohol policy in Iowa with the assistance of an attorney, and we are allowed to make random tests if they are in fact random. To qualify as random a consultant is hired and names for testing are picked by…