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  • Good advice. I will do that.
  • We have flex time so we would allow our employee to make it up on Saturday. People will often say that if an Exempt employee works any part of the week, they must be paid for the entire week. That is not true. If you have a bonafide sick leave po…
  • The salary that she had been getting was based on 40 hours per week. How can employee expect they will receive the same salary for working less hours. If that is the case, I need to go tell my boss now that I want to work 30 hours and still get pa…
  • James is correct. We were going to do the same thing for some of our non-exempts. I called the wage and hour folks to see if the the incentive pay would need to be taken into consideration when calculating OT. The answer was yes. It's very compl…
  • I just did one in June of this year. If you send me your email address, I will send to you.
  • Well how will the spouse ever be able to come on our plan because the open enrollment periods will always be different. When our enrollment period rolls around again in Sept., does his company have to let him drop since his open enrollment period is…
  • I have a question about how to handle the EAP under COBRA. We offer our employees EAP services and use 3 EAP providers. We pay them an hourly rate between $80-$95. Employees get up to 3 sessions that we pay 100% for. We have now added EAP on ou…
    in EAP & COBRA Comment by GLC January 2003
  • We offer EAP services through our agency. We are located in Louisville, KY. You may email our EAP manager at [email][/email] or you may call him at (502) 893-3900, ext. 272.
    in EAP Options Comment by GLC December 2002
  • Pregnancy is not a disability under the ADA because it is not a permanent illness. We start our FMLA when the baby is born unless the EE develops a serious health condition like in your situation. We had a situation like yours recently. I started …
    in FMLA Comment by GLC June 2006
  • They both have life long conditions - asthma. With asthma, you never really know when it can flair up. I've gotten my answers from the previous emails. Thanks.
  • We would not mix FMLA and poor performance. I just stated that in my post, as added emphasis, on why I would not want her to return. We would never even bring it up to the ee.
  • It was my understanding that the ee has to ask for the reasonable accomodation. It is not the employers's responsibility to bring this up. Any comments on this?
  • This is a counseling center. The ee have to see so many clients per year and other service hours that total to 1000. The 1000 productivity policy is something internal and would be too dificult to explain here. Regardless, she is not meeting her …
    in Abuse of FMLA Comment by GLC June 2004
  • She never goes past the 12 weeks, not to mention that we have a rolling 12 weeks so it will start to accrue again anyway. The 1000 productivity hrs takes into account 4 weeks vacation, 10 holidays, and 5 sick days so all that is taken into account.…
    in Abuse of FMLA Comment by GLC June 2004
  • I thought we would need to count her employment time. She will probably miss the mark with her absences. Thanks.
    in FMLA Comment by GLC August 2002
  • We don't always require a doctor's note for a short illness, a day or two. For longer term that are FMLA qualifying, we do. Part of my question was not answered though. What if the employee is out with an illness on Thur., Fri., sick on Sat and …
  • The regs state cosmetic surgery is not covered...825.114.
  • Even though the employee meets the other definititon of FMLA...being off from work for more than 3 days, this would still not constitute FMLA. Where do you make the judgment if an employee meets one definition of the regulations, but not both.
  • We are a small agency and process in-house.
  • Here is some more info. He was released on bond and will go back to court in mid-November. If it was a child, we will be fired him immediately.
  • I thought this was a forum where we could discuss HR matters professionally. I really don't need to be told that I should be fired. I talked to our attorney about this after being beat up by you guys. They were okay with my decision. I have done…
  • Are you saying that if you give a gift card from somewhere like Walmart, it counts at the end of the year as income for the ee?
  • All of you are right in the fact that the MIS Mgr. told me she knew when she put the disk in the computer that there were files on it. She said she clicked on one of them after she read the sexual names of the files. She said she was so shocked by…
  • Yes, this is real. I talked to the MIS Mgr. again on Friday. I asked her why did she not take her own diskette. Would it not be standard to take a diskette for these type of things? She said she did not anticipate needing a disc because what she …
  • This exempt ee is still paid a salary, but we have a bonafide sick leave policy so our ee have to track any time away from the job on a timesheet due to illness. The doctor just stated on the FMLA form that her condition was episodic and is lifelon…
  • I have talked to the CEO before but he does very little because he does not wnt this sr mgr. to know his directors have complained about him. The problems is his directors have told me in confidence and they do not want me to say anything because o…
  • We want to change our past practices because we have allowed ee to stay for as long as 6 months. It puts in a financial bind because of it. Our Board wants us to shorten way down. What if we said it will be at our discretion based on: Performanc…
  • I'm speaking of supervisory and line staff. The line staff feel the news about the layoffs should not come from their immediate supervisor but from one of the senior managers.
  • I am really confused now because this is the way our handbook is worded which was approved by our attorneys. The criteria for layoffs/reduction in force is 1. Possession of critical or needed skills 2. Performance history 3. History of discipl…
  • Thanks for hanging in there with me Gillian and Don D. This supervisor's husband is an attorney so I'm just trying to get as much info. as possible. When I refer to progressive discipline, I mean (1) verbal warning (2) written warning (3)suspensio…