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  • I actually have two - 1. We had a position that required a drug test after a contingent offer was extended. We always warned candidates that the position they were interviewing for required a drug test if we made them an offer, then when we made th…
  • Here is an example where Vacation Days are accrued on a prorated basis during the course of the employment year: "Vacation days are allotted to all employees according to the following schedule: Years 1 and 2 - 10 days, Years 3 and 4 - 15 days, Yea…
  • I'm referring to any arrangement (including telecommuting, job sharing, compressed work weeks, etc.) that is different from the "normal" operating hours of the company. I'd like to have one policy that addresses all, but I'll take examples of any o…
  • Thank you for exploring career opportunities with Company X; we appreciate you taking the time to forward us your resume. We will review your resume, and if there is a match between your qualifications and a current Company X opportunity, a represe…
  • Perhaps there is a trade association that might have salary survey information. Another possible source - although a biased one - is calling a professional recruiter who handles that field. Weigh any information from a recruiter carefully - no off…
  • Have you tried salary.com? They provide very basic info but may be an interesting place to start.
  • I should probably clarify my original post. I was referring to drugstore, over the counter pregnanacy and ovulation tests.
  • At my former company we were looking into a concierge service for executives - to do dry cleaning, get tickets for shows, make restaurant reservations, etc. This plan was promptly sidelined when business took a downturn. I think the feeling in the…
  • I would have to agree that to best prepare for this exam you should choose the method that best suits you - whether that's by yourself, in a class, or with a group of HR friends. To prepare myself for the SPHR exam I signed up for a prep course at …
  • UNLESS you are a government contractor. If you are a government contractor and/or have to honor an affirmative action plan, you must make strides toward diversity. If you are not a government contractor, or do not have an affirmative action plan, …
  • According to the New York & Federal Employment Law Manual, published by the American Chamber of Commerce Publishers, "An employee's right to vacation, holiday and sick leave is governed by the employer's policy, but an ambiguity in such a policy…
  • Here are some questions we ask interns to answer at the end of the assignment: Is the intern returning to school or a job? Would the intern be interested in a staff position at the company? Did intern get along well with supervisor? Yes or No. If no…
  • As long as you stuck to the facts and not opinions, you are fine and you did the right and the smart thing.
  • A "quick and dirty" way is to add up the total # of employees you had/have for the period you want to measure and then add up the number of employee who terminated during the same period. Divide the # terminated by the total # you have/had and that…
  • I can only speak from my past experience. The last company I worked for tried introducing each new employee to the rest of the staff with a picture and a short bio that was displayed in the major hallways. It was a very nice display and a lot of p…
  • If your question has to do with whether you have to pay double time or time + 1/2 if an employee works on the holidays you mentioned, the answer is no. The holidays you mentioned are given as paid time off to some employees by some companies, but c…