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  • Our corporate office just offered up a "Mail Policy" to all of us. They actually have a formal mailroom with mailroom employees. The rest of us (manufacturing plants) all get our mail in bags or boxes from the post office. But I have attached the…
  • Ana: Sounds like you did a good job on the investigation and your subsequent actions (e.g. where to put info, what to write up, etc.) Having been involved in several of these myself, you will find that you have to give the person you're investigat…
  • You do need to know what your state/city/municipal laws are. I came from Chicago and their CRA now encompasses sexual orientation--so find out what you're up against, just in case. Having been involved in layoffs many times, you want to insure you…
    in Protected Comment by rexxie October 2001
  • Way to get around it--tell the client that you'll audit all as most of us don't audit our I9's regularly; if they're giving someone else the task, you might as well audit the remaining for compliance i.e. out of date documents, etc. Also, their for…
  • Couple of questions: Does your company do pre-employment physicals? Do you have a hospital/clinic you require employees to go to for WC? What about a return-to-work program? If you do not have clinic you work with, as management, you shoul…
  • Having been in this situation before, your employee can refuse to give their SSN as a 'recognition' of who they are. Offer, as an alternative, either their employee number/code (which is not the SSN) or some other identifier that would satisfy your…
  • What about housing bldg? Does your hospital have housing for residents/ nurses (either dormitory or apartments) etc? If so, there might be something you could work out with them. When I worked at a hospital, we had a residence bldg for certain em…
  • Theresa's right--check your state laws first. In Mass. they have much stronger state laws than the FMLA & I'm constantly checking them out first. We have an occurrence process here, which also means we can exempt an employee for a disability o…