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  • We have callback compensation in the Washington State employment merit system--3 hours at the basic salary rate. Callback payment is NOT included when figuring the "regular" rate for payment of overtime because it is considered a "penalty" payment.
  • Thanks for taking the time to update us on what action you took in response to this situation. It's helpful to hear "the rest of the story." Best wishes!
  • Not as I understand it. Our policy states that we will designate any qualifying leave as FML. It also states that employees can use paid leave while on FML if they want. Our employees are able to accrue hundreds of hours of sick and vacation leav…
  • We have had to deal with this issue at our work place. We did not have nor did we develop a policy specifically addressing children (or pets--another issue!) in the work place. We felt that our Safety and our "get along with your coworkers" polici…
  • Thanks for taking the time to give us the end of the story.
  • Does it make any difference that we are an law enforcement agency--specifically corrections? Generally speaking, we seem to think that we should not knowingly allow our employees to violate a court order.
  • You ask how we've handled our difficult managers. One strategy that I've employed more than once is to remind myself that, ultimately, it is their decision and their responsibility. I give my best advice and effort then I let it go.
  • I recently finished Don't Sweat the Small Stuff at Work by Richard Carlson. I think very highly of his work generally and found this little book to be equally full of gems. Most of it is "common sense," but as we know, common sense is frequently n…
  • My toughest experience wasn't in my official HR role but as a member of our church leadership. We recently had to terminate our preacher because of sin in his life which had resulted in his wife kicking him out of the house. He confessed his sin a…
    in You're Fired Comment by Lois July 2001
  • I work for a state government agency. We have had a telecommuting policy for several years. Locally, we have utilized it 5-6 times, usually with good success. The greatest drawback has been for those who remain in the office and have to field cal…
    in Telecommuting Comment by Lois July 2001