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  • >Some fun for a bright, sunny Thursday! This e-mail was sent to > your 'answers' and I'll let you know which 'age group' you >fall into according to the number you get right. It seems to really >work! >~~~~~~~~~~~~~…
    in The Age Test Comment by thomas May 2003
  • We use the Prove It! Assessment System which is a testing program available through Know It All, Inc. The program offers all the tests you were looking for and many more. The company can be found at [url][/url] or you can call …
  • Have heard of "fluctuating hours" and the "fluctuating workweek" although have never heard it referred to as "Chinese overtime". If you haven't already done so, you might want to see Section 778.114 of the Fair Labor Standards Act or e-mail me at […
  • Thanks for your comments. We thought the reduced work schedule was mandatory under the FMLA because it was medically necessary. Agree that 3 hours of actual work for 4 hours of paid work time is not good. Thanks again.
  • Rockie, Thanks for the feedback. The employee's health care provider has released the employee to return to work full-time so the issue is a mute point at this time.
  • We were under the impression that as long as a reduced leave schedule under FMLA was medically necessary, we had to allow the 4 hour workday. We would like to work with the employee but hoped we wouldn't have to pay for the 15 minute breaks each h…
  • Thanks for your reply. Appreciate the feedback!
  • Thanks for taking the time to offer your advice. Will contact W & H for a copy of the interpretive bulletin you suggested although I'm a little confused. As an unpaid intern, didn't think FLSA considered this individual to be an employee. Wil…
  • Thanks for responding Paul. That was my thinking too but couldn't find anything in FLSA that actually indicated interns/trainees were considered to be volunteers. I had a hard time with the intern who is suppose to be gaining employment skills dur…
  • Meg, I'm not aware of a HIPAA 60 waiting period. Our insurance carrier, however, has a 30-day enrollment period from the date of eligibility and from the date of involuntary loss of other coverage. It also has a 60-day enrollment period from the d…
  • I would also love to have a copy of your release. Thanks! e-mail: [email][/email] fax #: 509-684-4740 (attn: Lorie Paquin)
  • Received all your information on HIPAA but didn't see the form for employees to sign once they have received their training. Would it be possible to get a copy of this from you too? Lots of good information in the material previously received from…
  • I agree with Margaret. I really don't understand your need to take time off particularly since you're saving all that extra travel time. Seems like you'll have plenty of time to stay in touch. I look forward to checking in with the Forum each mor…
  • I would like to add my name to the long list. Would very much appreciate a copy of your material. Thanks! [email][/email] fax: 509-684-4740
  • Would love a copy of your notice to employees. Thanks! email: [email][/email] fax #: 509-684-4740 (attn: Lorie Paquin)
  • I would love a copy of your notification form. Thanks! [email][/email] fax: 509-684-4740 (attn. Lorie Paquin)