60-Second Decision on Hiring?

I just read about a new book by Robin Ryan for jobseekers, 60 Seconds and You're Hired, that says recruiters make a mental decision about an applicant in the first 60 seconds and how to make a great impression in that short time.

I haven't done any interviewing yet, but do you think this is true?  Even if it is subconscious on the part of the recruiter?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't think this is necessarily true.  I have done a lot of interviewing and I do think first impressions are important.  However, I have had candidates that I initially liked talk themselves right out of a job the more time I spent with them in the interview and I have had others that have recovered from that bad first impression to turn into a great candidate (and ultimately a great employee). 



  • I also agree that first impressions are long lasting sometimes, however, I had a good first impression on an interview a couple of weeks ago as did the supervisor and after we came back from the weekend, it totally changed and we hired another candidate. 
  • Yes and no.  I think subconciously I'm 90% of the way to a decision.  It's not looks, or personality, or anything I can put a finger on.  It's a gut reaction.  The rest of the interview is spent trying to get the best information I can out of them to either back up my gut feeling or make me change my mind.  I'm sure this goes against everything that a good recruiter wants to do, but it is what it is. 
  • I don't think I have ever hired someone in the first 60 seconds, but I sure have rejected them in that time frame. 
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