(Do Not) Cook (this way) Book

Twochr's "do not EVER make this recipe" post inspires a new post for this area: "Do not" cooking tips learned from personal experience. Might result in a best-selling "(Do Not) Cook (this way) Book" better than the typical kind that offers recipes.
When I was a teenager, I learned; When making steak and eggs, do NOT attempt to cook the eggs AND steak at the same time in the same pan. The steak turns the eggs grey, AND by the time the steak finally finishes cooking, the eggs are like rubber. Dry crusty grey rubber.
Seems obvious NOW, but at 18 I had a lot to learn...
When I was a teenager, I learned; When making steak and eggs, do NOT attempt to cook the eggs AND steak at the same time in the same pan. The steak turns the eggs grey, AND by the time the steak finally finishes cooking, the eggs are like rubber. Dry crusty grey rubber.
Seems obvious NOW, but at 18 I had a lot to learn...
Do NOT sell said fried bologna sandwiches to the neighborhood kids; their parents get mighty upset when they get sick.
I poured about half a bottle of rubbing alcohol in with it. After he coughed/snorted/regurgitated, he suddenly felt well enough to put on his robe and slippers, get his belt and come after me.
That was enough to delay my bartending career for at least another decade.
Same rule goes for mom's lipstick and your stuffed animals, although that's not really a "(do not) Cook (this way) Book" tip.
This effectively halted my culinary career by at least 3 years.
Amazing that man LIVED for 5 years (whether he deserved to or not is an entirely different issue x}>).
p.s. Another don't: DON'T cook a canned ham in the can. Okay, I didn't do that -- even I'm not that dumb -- but I read it in the newspaper.
Do NOT grab a glass, fill it up with water, and then toss it into a pan of oil (intended for popcorn) that has caught fire (me at 10). The result is a blackened ceiling and a visit from your local fire department.