Happy Lefties Day!

July 13th is the official recognition of Left Handers, so have a great day Lefties. Thank you, I think I will!! Lefties all know that we are the only ones in our right minds, much more creative and at the same time, sensitive and caring, not to mention highly intelligent. So take advantage Lefties, we only get one day and the other 364 we have to deal with the you-know-who's.....
Sorry. I'll try to do gooder next time....
You face a lifetime of challenges not to mention stupid jokes when you play golf.
Or think about the subtle slights you have to live with. "He's my RIGHT HAND man."
Its an outrage. Its time you demand your... er rights.
But the date was duly noted on this high visibility HR thread, so the day received its due; such as it is.
So, can one lefty "spot" another lefty in a crowd?
Did you ever try to pass as a "righty"?
Has your left-handedness influenced your political leanings?
And of course you will need to remind me that it's August, not July. And that I called myself (but not you) a duffus. Rita and Joanne will remember that part for me......