Those Young 'uns!

This was priceless! We have two new employees, both in their early 20's; one male, one female (you can already see where this is going). These employees work in different branches but see each other during training, staff meetings, etc. Seems they have been flirting with each other via an instant messaging system available to employees. The messages say things like "I've was checking you out in the vault the other day" and "Are you lonely" and "no,I get calls from at least 10 different girls each night" and "doesn't this flirting add spice to the day", etc. The male employee, on his last posting to the thread, inadvertently hit the "send to all" button, thus sending the entire thread to the entire staff. Since it's an instant messaging system, PC's were beeping everywhere and the message thread popped up on everyone's PC.

After I regained my composure (was laughing hysterically in my office), I did the usual HR thing...warned them about inappropriate use of company technology, lapse in professionalism, should be using spare time for training; all the wicked witch of HR stuff. The CEO came to my office at the end of the day; after another round of chuckles we decided that the embarassment is punishment enough (this go around, anyway)


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