FIFA World Cup Soccer

Having helped coached my daughter's soccer team for a few years, I have enjoyed watching some of the World Cup matches.
If you haven't watched any of the tournament, you really should. The world cup is just as global as the Olympics but not nearly as bloated and overhyped.
The athleticism is amazing. Its more art than sport. The fans are unlike any in all of sports. Listening to 60,000 rabid fans sing homage to their favorite team is incredible. The stadiums echo with the rise and fall of thousands of voices in unison until it sounds like something nature might produce.
The Brazilian fans are in a league by themselves. Soccer is life to them and they are fanatical about their team.
Yesterday, the US played a gritty match despite some outrageous calls by the referees and managed to tie Italy 1:1 and stay alive in the tournament.
Soccer also has its share of wild characters, bold personalities and bitter rivalries. The sheer intensity of each match is unparalleled. You would think that the very existence of these nations is at stake.
World cup games are generally low scoring affairs. However, if you can get past that, you will see some of the most acrobatic, breath-taking, unbelievable displays in all the world of sport.
If you haven't watched any of the tournament, you really should. The world cup is just as global as the Olympics but not nearly as bloated and overhyped.
The athleticism is amazing. Its more art than sport. The fans are unlike any in all of sports. Listening to 60,000 rabid fans sing homage to their favorite team is incredible. The stadiums echo with the rise and fall of thousands of voices in unison until it sounds like something nature might produce.
The Brazilian fans are in a league by themselves. Soccer is life to them and they are fanatical about their team.
Yesterday, the US played a gritty match despite some outrageous calls by the referees and managed to tie Italy 1:1 and stay alive in the tournament.
Soccer also has its share of wild characters, bold personalities and bitter rivalries. The sheer intensity of each match is unparalleled. You would think that the very existence of these nations is at stake.
World cup games are generally low scoring affairs. However, if you can get past that, you will see some of the most acrobatic, breath-taking, unbelievable displays in all the world of sport.
Go USA!!!
I'm a huge soccer fan and have a sore throat after Sat. USA game. Unfortunately I will not be able to watch the game Thursday. I think I'll sheild myself from the results and watch tape delay.
The highlight videos on the FIFA website are amazing.
Good luck shielding yourself from the game results on thursday. I have found that to be extremely difficult.
I was in self-imposed media exile on Sunday until I could watch the final round of the US Open but one of my friends blurted out "Can you believe what Mickleson did?" before I could stop him.
Its tricky avoiding internet, radio, tv, and any friends you have that are sports fans.
I'll be watching Thursdays game on tape as well.
Life's valuable lesson at the US Open- EVERY PUTT COUNTS MONTY.
My TV doesn't get ABC, so I've watched a lot of the games on the Spanish network even though I barely know any Spanish. The announcers talk a mile a minute and are incredibly emotional so the games are a lot more exciting to watch. It sounds something like this:
Blah blah blahblahblah cabeza blah blahblahblah blahblah blah blahblah muy bueno! blah blahblahblah blah blahblahblah blahblah blah Inglaterra blah blahblahblah blahblah blah blahblahblah blahblah GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-
James Sokolowski
Are you going to be sick again on Thursday when the US takes on Ghana?
>the US takes on Ghana?
I would never (cough cough) do something (Achoo!) like that (sniff sniff). And it has nothing to do with the fact that my boss reads the Forum.
I thought I heard an announcer say there would be live video on the web, but I couldn't find it on the ESPN or FIFA websites - just a Gamecast with live stats and maybe audio.
James Sokolowski
Vargas pass to Gonzalez
Gonzales pass to Vargas
Vargas to Venezeula
Venezuala heads to Ortiz
Ortiz back to Vargas
Ruiz steals the ball and passes to Santiago
Santiago back to Luis
Luis dribbles past midfield.
Luis back to Santiago
and so on... for 2 hours. I am going to either tape the game or come in to work late.
James Sokolowski
I actually watched part of the Portugal vs Holland (I think) and it was exciting at the end. Portugal plays very dirty though. They go up against England next.
I agree, there in nothing like being there during the games.
Sorry, but I accidently deleted your message. x:-8 I was so excited about yesterday's game that I went to hit the Reply button but hit the Delete button by mistake. #-o Yes, the game was that amazing.
Here's your message that I deleted:
OH MY GOSH. I was checking e-mail yesterday and all of a sudden my husband lets out a loud, blood curdling scream from the living room that sounded something like...
Then about 2 minutes later he yelled again only an octive higher. I had to go and check on him to see if he hurt himself. The announcer said that they (the Germans) were chanting and screaming for 118 minutes but in 2 short minutes the whole country was silenced.
Cheryl C.
Congrats to Italy! What a great world cup!