
  • 10 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-12-05 AT 06:07AM (CST)[/font][br][br]I'm astonished. How could the FBI think so quickly to confiscate all those security camera films within minutes after the fact? It's almost like they knew it was coming. Makes me ill.
  • Wow, that's quite...something. I've never heard anything about this, but I must say I'm intrigued. Have you "Snoped" it?
  • That's really weird, I thought there would be chunks of the plane all over the place. Scopes says it's a fake. They say the entire plane went into the pentagon, even the wings and blew up into little pieces. It still sounds wierd to me. this is the link to Scopes, I hope it shows up

  • Well, I am usually so much a skeptic when it comes to these things that I don't even bother looking at them.

    All I can say right now is wow! I am shaking so bad I cannot type. That perfectly neat hole is just too much..............

    Thanks Geno, that was pretty good.

  • I watched part of this and will have to finish the rest later. Unbelievable! Thanks Geno.
  • On the morning of Sept 11, a friend of mine was a construction supervisor on the DC convention center, standing on the the partially constructed roof of the center. He called me on his cell phone to tell me of the airliner that had just flown very low over the area where he was working, he watched it head for the pentagon and saw the smoke and fire of the explosion.n This guy is a no nonsense fella, has worked huge construction projects all over the world. When he called me he was at once excited, shocked, probably anxious... but I have no doubt he knew very clearly what he saw. Conspiracy theories are great fun, but particularly if they start with the French...........
  • so if "they" think that the impact was not from the airplane, then where did the airplane go? Obviously, people were on board and are now what happened to that plane?
    I think it's sad that somebody out there actually thinks the gov't did this to itself. I don't trust photos on the internet...or digitial photogrpahy in general. You can change any picture to make it look like whatever you want.
  • See andrew's post above for a link to the snopes website (they specialize in de-bunking myths -- urban and otherwise) for a well-worded opinion on this so-called missing airliner/pentagon story that has been making the rounds for some time.

    Apparently there are quite a few bloggers out there that are insisting that something is amiss with the government’s account of Flight 77 – with the most the outlandish insisting that the passengers are currently being held hostage somewhere.

  • When you think of it there must be literally thousands of persons who actually saw that airplane go into the Pentagon. The press has, by its incessant 'smarter than thou' attitude, made an unfortunate number of us think that if it is in print, and, if it questions the honor of our government, then it must be true. I'm waiting for some editorial whiz kid to edit Micheal Moore's public idiocy to make him appear to unconditionally endorse child torture, misogeny, and be a co conspirator with Bush in attacking Iraq. That propaganda, I will gladly pay to see!
  • I wouldn't call this web site part of the main stream press, unless your definition of "press" includes anything out on the internet....which would mean all of us here on the Forum are "press" as well. You quite correctly identified it as propaganda, the kind that Moore has unfortunately been so successful at producing.
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