I Did It Because I Could



  • Comment with regard to Don D, in MS, regarding Bill's comment that it took him longer to forgive himself. . .Does anyone really believe that line? Bill never believed he needed to be forgiven. He's engaged in this kind of behavior for how many years? It's what he does. And from what I hear, he's still doing! This man is not living in the world of reality. Would love to read a psychological profile on him!

    06-23-04, 10:12 AM (CST)
    6855 total posts

    59. "RE: I Did It Because I Could"
    Ahhh, to the contrary. He knows all the rooms, and which are empty and which have couches. Saw him on the early news today losing it when the Australian pressman asked a question he didn't like. He got redfaced and blamed the whole situation on Ken Starr and 'people like you who never would let it go'. His comment that really made me reach for the Klennex box was, "It took Hilary a much shorter period of time to forgive me than it took for me to forgive myself."

  • Whatever...please open your eyes, ears & mind. Clinton's sex life was not the focus of the investigation! His constant incessant lying was. When Clinton had signed a bill into law stating that even a man's sexual escapades & history was as important as a womens when it comes to investigation's, he put himself under the same law. In the Whitewater & Travel Office investigations, several things came up that pointed to a lot of lying. The Lewinsky affair was just the straw that broke the camels back. Then when the multitude of other women came forward to corroberate CLinton's lack of morality, he was nailed! And to say that no one died because of CLinton's lies is a lie. Think of the janitor at the aspirin factory that lost his life in the missile attack Clinton ordered to cover up his problems.

    Next, CLinton lied, pure and simple. Bush has not. To make a decision based on faulty or incomplete information does not constitute a lie! It just means you made a decision on faulty or incomplete information. In Bush's case, he had to make a decision based on the information available at the time. As far as people dying, as unfortunate as it is, that's what happens in war. And in war people give of themselves so you don't have to wear a Burqua-unless that is what you want.

    Third, Clinton himself stated that he could separate his personal morals had no affect or bearing on his political life. Wrong! Morals are the compass of life, all of it. His political morals were not there because he had no personal morals.

    And last but not least, what a difference betweeb Reagan and CLinton. Reagans writtings were always about the country and people. Contrast that with Clinton's book which is all about him...and according to the critic's, full of inconsistencies and stories that contradict some of his earlier testimonies. Also, Reagan was great in telling Gorby to tear down this wall. Clinton's' fame is, "Monica, take down my pants"...how pathetic!
  • When that stupid Oprah Winnbag show was on yesterday, I asked my wife, "Tell me, where do they get that whole roomfull of pretty young women, giggling and drooling and laughing and clapping to his every one-liner?" She had no answer. I still wonder about that. Who rounded them up or did they bus them in from Oregon or are they his cousins or Hilary's campaign aides? I am distressed at the people who want to emulate and praise this child in a man's body for his behavior and non-accomplishments. He did not make ONE political decision that will be of lasting importance other than to tarnish forever the image several generations had of the office of the presidency.

    I like his psychological quote above. Just one of many that serve to paint him as a victim. I guess we all make poor decisions sometimes when we're stressed, angry, exhausted, feeling alone, etc. But not all of our brains are in our penises, all the time, 24/7. If Hillary had cared she would have Lorena Bobbitted him! But, what am I thinking here. It's not his fault. Power corrupts and the bad karma in his life has victimized him.

    (The bodies are everywhere; they just haven't been discovered yet.)
  • 1. How did Reagan get into this discussion? I never compared Reagan to Clinton. And, out of respect for what obviously are the wishes of the Reagan family, I will not compare Regan to Bush (for the same reasons that Reagan is not compared to Clinton).
    2. Yes, Bill Clinton lied.
    3. Yes, war is terrible and people die in one. But, I strongly believe that either Bush or his administration (and to quote H. Truman "The buck stops here.") have lied to the American people about why our soldiers are in Iraq and on other related matters.
    4. Now the only question is are we going to get into a contest to see which president is the biggest liar. I don't think I will change your mind and I can guarantee you won't change mine.
    5. Finally, it is so wonderful to live a country where I can express my opinion.

  • Amen to #5.

    Freedom isn't free.

    Ours sons and daughters, husbands and wives, and friends in the military are purchasing that freedom everyday. Regardless of a person's feelings about any of the politicians, our patriots deserve our support.
  • My personal axe to grind with former pres. Clinton: For someone who did everything he could to avoid being drafted and serving in the military, he used the military more than most presidents - every little brush fire called for sending in the US military - sometimes with disastrous results (remember Somalia?).

    I'm a little bitter because my retirement was postponed because Clinton imposed a stop-loss in 1999.
  • Yes, Parabeagle, I remember Somalia, and it makes me spitting mad when I think of it!
  • Whatever..I whole heartedly agree with #5. Don't misunderstand me, I would fight for your right to disagree with me. That is the country we live in and in the long run it keeps us all honest..minus 1.

    In the forum of discussion, I brought up Reagan because he was a man whose legacy was built on character. Clinton is still trying to find a legacy and making a pathetic fool of himself.

    As for the Bush lying, my point is that Clinton knew absolutely what the truth was and decided to ignore it and willfully told the exact opposite! That is telling a lie. Bush on the other hand made a decision and told the American people of his decision based on the information he had at the time. That is not telling a lie. This is the biggest problem with liberalism in that they cannot tell the difference between the truth and a lie.

    And with that said, please feel free to dissent.
  • This may belong over in the Nutty as a Fruitcake thread, but I read that on ebay, a signed copy of Clinton's book is currently up to close to $500.00. Now there is a person who is need of meds.
  • The winning bid is probably already posted, and that's the person who is in need of meds. The one who posted it is an entrepreneuer.
  • For someone so apparently despised, Clinton sure gets a lot of talk and attention. If you don't like the man just ignore him, don't buy his book, get over the past. IMHO, rarely does anyone who cheats tell the truth, thats human nature. I certainly would not defend nor justify adultry or lying; and I think Clinton's statement of "I did it because I could" is about the only thing a person could say without being accused of trying to justify or defend his adultry.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-23-04 AT 07:07PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I'm not sure, but it seems you still support the guy. Perhaps you might tell us why. Tell me one thing he did as president that will have historical value, other than trashing the office. Were you in that Oprah audience yesterday?
  • I’m not trying to answer for Judy, just for myself (though I don’t expect it to be a popular perspective). I’ve stayed out of the fray for several days, but now I’m ready to jump in.

    There are both reasons and excuses for bad behavior, and the difference between them is often murky and in the eye of the beholder. I don’t think there is a single reason or explanation Clinton could offer that his detractors would not interpret as a lie or an excuse. In addition to saying that he committed an immoral act and deeply regretted it, I think saying “I did it because I could” was about as honest as he could be. I don’t think a person would go through a year of intensive individual, marital, and family counseling if he didn’t genuinely regret his actions and want to change his behavior. Personally, there’s been a time or two in my life that I did something I was ashamed of and bitterly regretted later, even though no one ever knew about it. After the fact, I could analyze all the factors about my personality and background, etc. that contributed to my failing, and I could also say – bottom line – I did it because I felt like it at the time, and it was wrong, and I wish I hadn’t. All of those statements would be equally true. “I did it because I could” is a bit different than “I did it because I wanted to,” but no better or worse.

    I realize I’m addressing the adultery itself and not the lying about it. Since he screwed up and got caught, I wish he’d been honest, but not near as much as I wish he hadn’t been asked.

    Now, on a lighter (although probably even less popular) note -- about those “girls” in the audience: In my opinion, the man exudes sex appeal. Sorry. If you think that's weird, why have so many self-help writers gotten rich writing books on why women are drawn to "bad boys"? And the reformed/remorseful bad boy is the biggest draw of all. I could give you my analysis on why nature sometimes works that way, but I'll just say, "because it can."

  • Well Whirlwind from Texas, I wasn't going to reply, but, "because I can, I will" (said in jest only).

    I do agree with some of what you said. It's the same as, "let those without sin cast the first stone." But, what perturbed me about the BBC interview was the rather animated response Bill gave when he said something to the effect. . . "they (referring to those people on the right) didn't care about the people from Arkansas, they came and took their kids out of the classroom, they didn't care how many lives they ruined, etc., etc.." That comment seems odd to me. What about Bill? Did he not care about how he might have ruined Monica's life, or the lives of Kathleen W., Jennifer Flowers, and all of those other women he had affairs with? In other words, I felt he was saying, I did it "because I can", and no one should question or make judgements on me. When others (meaning those on the right) engage in similar tawdry behavior, they are wrong in doing so and they should be judged according to Bill's rules. I don't excuse anyone of cheap behavior, I don't care what political philosophy you entertain. Bill needs to remember. . . he's human too.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-24-04 AT 05:14PM (CST)[/font][br][br]If you haven't seen Bill Clinton's official portrait you might want to take a look here.

    See - contrary to slogan's opinion above, some of us liberals can "tell the difference between the truth and a lie" - and we can even have a sense of humor, which seems to be sorely lacking in many of these posts!

    Whew, had to edit that one quick - the picture showed up in the post!

  • WHAT?? YOu're a liberal? And I've been mailin' you jokes and stuff and treatin' you like a regular, normal human? Tell me you lie!
  • Great post Don. I was wrong about you.
  • Lot's of people have been Jeffrey. Lot's of people have been.
  • Whirlwind, you did a pretty good job of answering for me, thanks... However I disagree with Bill's sex appeal, if ever I thought he was sexy that disappeared with his adultery (I was married to a cheater, nothing sexy in that). I still admire and respect my ex husband I just don't want to have sex with him and that's the way I feel about Clinton as well. No, Don I don't watch Oprah or hardly any TV other than HGTV.

    On a "lighter note" I've always thought Dubya was cute and sexy, I shook his hand at a convention about 7-8 years ago and I got all fluttery inside... I respect him, and if he wsn't married...LOL...But I STILL can not stand the man's politics!
  • Judy, we might not have the same taste in men, but we do have a lot of other stuff in common: Texas, politics, and HGTV (my favorite channel).

  • How is it you respect the man and abhor his daily life and philosophy (politics)? And what's HG?
  • Home and Garden - it's one of those cable channels. Actually quite entertaining at times. And picking a person for the sex appeal might work with dancing or bar-hopping, but not to lead the country - IMHO.
  • Exactly Marc, that's why I didn't vote for Dubya, but I would dance with him. smile.
  • Don, I don't abhor his daily life and politics, I just don't agree with him. That's part of being a "liberal" and being "open minded" being able to respect someone as a human being even though you don't agree with them or wish the same principles for your own life. For instance, I disagree and am sometimes offended by some of your posts, however, I do respect your HR knowledge.
  • I'm an equal opportunity socializer: I'd drink and dance with either Bill OR Dubya OR Don. Oops, almost forgot, Dubya's permanently on the wagon subsequent to his thrill-crazed youth. Well, I'd still dance with him if he'd let me lead.

  • An open minded liberal. Please post photo. I've never seen one. x:-)
  • Wow, this is better than any soap opera!
  • Welcome, Audrey, to As the Thread Turns!
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