Poll : If you could live anywhere - where, why ?



  • Why, I'm from Elkton, Maryland that you've heard tell of! Look on the map at the little dot at the top of the Chesapeake Bay. Boating, fishing, near the ocean, the C&D Canal, the Chesapeake Bay, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and the first SUPER SIZED Wal-mart in the USA (soon to be constructed).

    Elkton, by the way, is known as the Marriage Capital. Elkton had the youngest 'without consent' age for marrying, which was age 14. People eloped here to visit the Chapel, still in existence. Somewhere there's a list of famous people who got married in Elkton. In an episode of "The Honeymoners" (for those who remember) the Chapel is featured when a couple eloped to Elkton.

    Also, George Washington slept here.

  • Our new Wal Mart with Corinthian columns, pastel exterior colors and deep red brick, no sign, no visible bays and screened from all sides with huge trees brought in and a roofline where it's prohibited for the roof A/C units to be seen, is the largest in the USA. I've heard they're not even allowed to sell neon underwear, but I've not shopped for any. x:-)
  • Since it has been over 1440 minutes from my original post I am not allowed to edit it so here is mt edit.

    Telluride, Colorado!
  • I grew up in Hendersonville, NC and moved back about 10 years ago. It is 20 miles southeast of Asheville. I would like to have a home in Hooterville (Hendersonville) and a home on the SC coast. My good news is that it might be possible. If anyone comes to the Asheville area let me know and I can give you some ideas on where to stay, eat, etc. If you golf be sure to look me up. Most of the best courses are private, but you can go to some and pretend to be shopping for property and get a free round.

    Don, there are some great places to ride a motorcycle in the area. The new Highway 26 extension to TN and HWY 64/74 that connects Asheville and southeastern TN through the Nantahala gorge. It is absolutely beautiful scenery.
  • I can't imagine living anywhere but New England. I especially love my little town of Lakeville. We are near Providence and Boston (NYC is only 3 hours away), we have great sports (politics for spectators), 4 seasons (so just as you get tired of one, a new one is around the corner), great seafood and tons of ethnic restaurants. I'm right on a 7x2 mile pond and have a sailboat, stinkboat and kayak on my dock - I get to go to church by boat, visit neighbors afterwards and even go to a little waterside restarant for pizza and beer. I do like to vacation in New Orleans (music) and Key West (scuba).
  • I went snorkeling in Key West during jellyfish season. 40 bucks for me to spend ten minutes in the water panicking and trying to stay away from jellyfish bigger than me.
  • That's why you should take up scuba diving - head to toe neophrene (sp) keeps things like that from bothering you.
  • Saratoga Springs, NY. 3 hours from Boston, 3 hours from NYC, 1 hour to the Adirondack Moutains and great skiing. In the summertime the horserace track is open and there is something going on every night, whether it is an outdoor festival, a rock concert, the balet...you name it Saratoga has it.
  • I lived in Saratoga for my sixth grade (Division Street). Most dysfunctional school I had ever attended. I haven't been back since.
  • Ray just spoiled NY for me. Actually where I live is just fine, here in the Four Corners area...Soutwest Colorado & New Mexico. We have four seasons, skiing (both water & snow) all the hiking & camping that you can't get in in a life time. We don't have earthquakes, tornado's or floods. We have low humidity, clear blue skies and plenty of open land. Hunting and fishing to last a life time and a low per capita earth muffin ratio!

    On second thought, I shouldn't be telling ya'll this, we don't want any more people here than what we already have. There's already been enough Californian's come out here.
  • I went to NM once, It was only one color. Brown. Everywhere you looked - Brown. That must be where UPS originated.
  • HRinNH, NH

    05-19-04, 08:53 AM (CST)
    89 total posts

    19. "RE: Poll : If you could live anywhere - where, why ? "
    Yeah, there are no SPIEDIES there, Ray.

    What the hell's a spiedies?
  • From what I heard, they're something like a shishkabob...with no veggies...
  • Well, then your post ain't accurate. I grill shiskabobs all the time, sometimes with steak, onion, mushrooms, bell peppers and squash and sometimes without anything other than meat. Brush on a mixture of beer/italian dressing as I go along. (mushrooms optional).
  • Spiedies are a local delicacy found outside of Binghamton, NY only when locals have taken the recipe with them. They are made from chicken, beef, lamb, or veal with chicken being most popular. The meat is cubed and marinated in a special sauce, high in vinegar content, for at least 24 hours then grilled. Historically it was grilled on skewers but most now just throw the cubes on the grill loose and turn often brushing more marinade sauce on while cooking. The best way to eat is in Italian bread, but sub rolls are popular, too. We even have an annual Spiedie Fest in August with hundreds of vendors, spiedie cooking contests, hot air balloons, relatively big name acts, etc. Good stuff.

    Actually, HRinNH is correct - true shishkabobs are cooked on skewers with meat alternating with veggies. But, as Don has discovered, the meat is the best part so why bother with the veggies - they just get in the way.
  • Sorry Ray, I forgot about the high-carb sub roll and all the marinade.

    Nope, you gotta have the veggies (minus the nasty shrooms) to balance out all that protein.

    Yes, I'm done now...
  • Where outside of Binghamton? I went to college in Oneonta (hartwick) and never in my 4 years there did I hear about Speadies... I am intrigued...
  • About the only other place you will find spiedies is in Syracuse. No, they never made it east to Oneonta. But, people who move all around the country often take recipes with them and buy the sauce online or convince their local grocery stores to order and stock it. My son is doing his best to educate people in Columbus, OH. Come on down for a visit in August.

    BTW, my mother-in-law went to Hartwick - back in the 30's.
  • Well, I'd live right here. Our local (weekly) paper had a front page story with picture about "Bert the Barber" and his retirement.

    In the interview Berts says his only regret is that he didn't move here 30 years earlier (he's been here for 18 years) and that this is as close to heaven as most people will ever get. He also said the people here are so good that the main job of the police department is counting songbirds, but that's not true, their main job is heading up the parades.

    A short trip to the shores of Lake Michigan and I have the beach, complete with waves and the world's most beautiful sunsets. An hour's drive will take you to Grand Rapids with shopping, theater, concerts, whatever. Winter here is snow and skiing and spring you can hunt morels or fish, fall has hardwood colors and two lane roads and occasional horses and buggies. I'm smack in the middle of the agricultural belt so I get fresh asparagus for 50 cents a pound, cherries, apples, potatoes, garden produce. My kids still can catch fireflies in jars and press cider in my aunt's old hand cranked cider press. We have a big black horse that pulls the sleigh in the winter.

    Close enough to perfect for me.


  • Wow Annie... It sounds so much like life here in New Hampshire except for all the covered bridges we have throughout the state. All the "Leaf Peepers" come from far and wide to view the spectacular Fall colors.

    One of our family's favorite traditions is to go to the Deerfield Fair every September. My daughters and I used to enter crafts and things to be judged. One year I won a blue ribbon for a large blanket I had crocheted.

    I go still because I love to watch the cloggers dance, the horses pull, the pigletts run, and the families have a great time making memories.

    I wouldn't trade it for any other place else (willingly).

    Cheryl C.
  • Like many of you, I love where I am and am here by choice. .why? beach, big city, rural country, season change but no snow or ice all here or close by. Also love my home. .

    There has been something I loved about almost everywhere I've lived or visited. . mountains in PA, flat farm lands of Ohio, also love TN, northern MI parts of GA.. .Like Don, at this point, I'd like to stay put but have time and money to travel more. .places I haven't been like New England and the far Northwest ie Oregon and Washington, but since being a participant on this forum that thought has become a bit scary x;-)
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-20-04 AT 09:16AM (CST)[/font][br][br]I think I'm a little hurt...I have yet to hear anyone mention my great state of Missouri. We have the lovely 4 seasons the great Mississippi, the arch, baseball teams, football teams, hockey teams and who can forget Branson. What more could you want?

    EDIT: I'm sorry I forgot to mention that you can go hunting, fishing and golfing. And you can be attacked by the wonderful misquitos, chiggers and ticks.
  • You are right moman, but you don't mention the Ozarks (sp?).. One of the most beautiful parts of our country IMHO
  • I didn't forgot them I was thinking of the Branson area and just didn't break them out. If you're really lucky you can shoot at a rabbit and find oil.
  • HRinNH, I think our states are much alike. The few differences are that our water is warmer but you have cooler license plates!! In fact, my 15 year old daughter got 25 extra credit points in her History class because she knew Patrick Henry was from New Hampshire and that the license plates say "Live Free or Die".

    We went through New Hampshire on our way to Maine on vacation, there is a great BBQ place there where they "sell no swine before it's time". LOL.


  • Actually, the four seasons in Michigan are 1) Winter 2) Almost summer 3) Hotter than heck and 4) Construction. You sound like you are close to me in SW Michigan.
  • All of us could have jobs with the state's tourism board huh! Maybe we all are in the wrong profession.
  • I love New England! I am torn between two very different locations. I love Boston (especially now that I live here and not an hour away as of last week)but I think I want to end up in Vermont. Growing up we moved every two years or so but we always spent the summer in Warren VT. So I consider it my home state. It is so beautiful there!!! And talk about low crime! People dont even lock their car doors OR their front doors.
  • The Outerbanks of North Carolina: Hatteras Island. Beautiful beach, not overly developed, great climate, Southern BarBQ and Crabs! It dont get better than that.
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