Just have to share

I just professionally b#chted out an engineer who's worked here (as a slave driver) for 30 years. Man that felt good!
He was completely stunned and apologized profusely for being such an a@@. Best Friday I've had in awhile.
He was completely stunned and apologized profusely for being such an a@@. Best Friday I've had in awhile.
I hope your weekend is just as rewarding!
Me, I've spent most of the afternoon with my feet up on my desk because my inbox is empty and I've solved all the petty little problems that have come up this week. Just lookin' forward to putting a little distance between myself and ye olde office in a half-hour or so. x:-)
>feet up on my desk because my inbox is empty and
>I've solved all the petty little problems that
>have come up this week. Just lookin' forward to
>putting a little distance between myself and ye
>olde office in a half-hour or so. x:-)
I envy you, Pook. Yesterday the pile in my in-box literally slid over, avalanche style, onto the floor. It's now banished to a cardboard box on the floor where it can't torment me anymore.
I was very professional, but he was yelling (about something that wasn't even a problem...he was just annoyed that something was different than it usually is). I simply said, "I don't care who's fault this 'issue' of yours is. I also don't appreciate your attitude nor your tone with me. I will no longer respond to you when you speak to me like this, do you understand?" I was totally shaking inside because I was so mad but I felt so good after I said it. Especially when he started blubbering an apology. Love it!
Sorry A.B. - I couldn't resist x:*
Oh, and by the way, HE is the one that lovesgarage sales. He's picked up many a great tool or gadget along the way.
By the way Don, I'm NEVER ok nor functional on Mondays! x:*
The Don knows not what he speaks of. Just because he thinks he has trained his bosum soul mate doesn't mean a d** thing. Vacuuming and dusting is a small price to pay when you can lead the king around by his nose.
And Boy, go back to your room and play with your magazines.
Raytoots, I left you for last because you are so easy. A prime example of how housebroken we females can get you guys to become. Please don't grovel, it doesn't paint a pretty picture.
I simply abhor the thought of Hillary becoming president. But that does not mean that the other gender is incapable of running this country. After all, the homosapiens that preceded us have left us with a benchmark so easy to surpass.
You're only hurting yourselves.
Now it will just be fun to watch them pick it up and beat the snot out of him with it. x;-)
He is responsible for cleaning the floors at our house and there are many of them...plus he does most of the yard work.
I fill in when I can...sigh...
Sam, don't include me with those two misogenists.
Oh, by the way, the word you want is misogynist. That is if you are refering to a man who hates women.
My husband is far pickier than I am about a clean house, therefore I've given up trying.
Vacuuming the floor every single day is not going to make me any money, isn't going to bring up my children any better and doesn't help me sleep better.
I let him vacuum, wash laundry, you name it. He enjoys it, (for some crazy reason). Supper will be waiting for me when I get home.
Scrubbing the kitchen floor when my feet stick to it is my theory.
P.S. My cleaning service comes in on Wednesdays.
Back to Cin, though... she makes a good point about pulling a Peter Finch once in awhile, probably better than letting the pressure and tension build up until you explode, body parts flying everywhere - yuck. x;-)
Like I said before, if God wanted me to cook, he wouldn't have put Bob Evans and Cracker Barrell across the street.
I don't think you're a woman-hater. You like to agitate, but it's all in fun.
I love to stir the pot.