Post build-a-story comments here
Paul in Cannon Beach
4,703 Posts
To keep the story clear and un-cluttered, please post your Build-a-story comments like "what a stupid idea" or "does Paul have too much time on his hands?" here. Thanks!
Up to this point its had more suprises than the Superbowl half-time show.
I keep looking for an opportunity to post "Suddenly, a shot rang out!" but so far it hasn't seemed appropriate.
All you East coasters get to sway the story your way in the wee hours of the morning but remember that the West Coast gets the last word.
I'm wondering who's going to play the characters.
I hope everyone here has an EAP program and reports to counseling immediately.
Talk about hijacking a thread! It has gone too off base to even respond.
Now that we have learned its all been a dream, it will be interesting to see if it dies a slow death or revives.
If it worked for DALLAS it should work for our story. Now that I think about it...did it even work for DALLAS? :-?
Betty LO - for actual writing ability and creativity.
Don D - for creativity, alliteration, and references to HR forum people (including the frizzy haired Medusa) and for contributing two posts within 30 minutes
Parabeagle - for creating his own game within a game.
Cebudragonlady - for bringing the phrase "turkey headed coward" into our national lexicon.
AnneHA - for introducing us to the ill-fated Bubbles LaFurze
SMoll - for putting the words "intelligent" , "ravishing" and "blondes" together in the same sentence in a row with an apparently straight face.
And so many more...
>"ravishing" and "blondes" together in the same
>sentence in a row with an apparently straight
"Like, what's so funny about that?" she said with a Betty Boop twang. "Is that supposed to be an oxycontin, like 'military intelligence'?"