The Format Is Horrible



  • You know Beagle, some of us have been wondering. :-)

    Sounds like Jim Robb has pretty thick skin, with all of us complaining, he needs it. His job is similar to us who have to explain to our ee's that we are raising their insurance rates and making them think it is an improvement in their benefit and that they should be thanking us.
  • jrobb - are you guys finished tinkering? iof so, why is the blue bar menu pop up still obliterating 1/3 of my screen? is it me? how do I remove it?
  • Thanks whatever. I laughed out loud!!!
  • The Forum seems to be possessed and the emotion icon short cuts don't work either--keeps saying "error on page".

  • Just testing to see if I can now post. If so, thanks Jim for all your help and sorry for bugging you so much.

  • My goodness...we all need to go visit mjindra and whoever else lives in Wisconsin so we can have some cheese with all this whine. x}>

    PS...If you know the codes to the emoticons, use those instead of trying to insert the picture itself.
  • I don't think of it as whining - I think of it as "the squeaky wheel gets the oil." x;-)
  • Gee, Leslie's gone to California and MWild is in Arizona. How is it?

  • I agree, the new format is very hard on the eyes. The brown color and reduced size is giving me a headache. Bring back the pretty blue font, please?? ;;)

    The font is also really small when you go to log in. Please put the font size back.

  • Actually, it's not that they're not listening. Today is a holiday. Only us HR people are working.
  • What proof do you have that that is a woman's mug?

  • Y'know Safety, I just saw Simon and Garfunkel Sunday night. The hair on the androgynous individual above is very reminiscent of Art x;-).
  • Watch Leslie start crawfishing and getting really apologetic when a woman from M Lee Smith comes and says that's her photo and she's sorry she offended us. Let me go ahead and get my violin. Ray, can you accompany?
  • As many have noted, the photo at the top is just not the most flattering. Simply post a better one and she becomes Women of the Forum Ms. May - as long as she actually works at M Lee Smith. x:D
  • I've made a string of suggestions and compaints
    >and whines; but foremost among them is to get
    >that woman's mug off the front page. She is
    >damned near frightening!! x:-)

    Don, it's apparent that you and most of the other forumites are unhappy with the changes and that's ok. It's also ok to express your feelings but I don't understand a couple of things:

    1) The lack of patience. You make your complaint known but you aren't giving them much time to solve the inherent issues that arise anytime one makes a change. I'm not saying the changes are good or bad. And in fact I agree with what others have posted - why fix something that's not broken. But the fact of the matter is they changed something most don't agree with and now everyone is whining, complaining, etc. To be honest, it sounds just like my employees when they don't get their way or is it my kids?.

    2) Why are you being so harsh on the picture of the woman?? She's obviously a real person and if that was a picture of me you would have made me feel really bad. How do you know this person doesn't work for Lee Smith?

    Just my thoughts after reading post after post of negative comments.

  • But Ruby, we now have a common "enemy". For probably the first ever we are united on this forum.
  • Everybody should print out and save this thread for the next time you plan to change, modify, adjust, revise, or improve any aspect of your organization.

    While they de-bug the format changes, let's all go listen to "Who Moved My Cheese?" again.

    Paul in Cannon Beach
  • Okay folks - enough already. While you don't have to agree with us for complaining, I don't think it's right to compare our issues with the changes to employee complaints and the like. First, I'm sure Don and others like myself, don't usually make changes to our policies & such without conversing with employees/supervisors/managers prior to making decisions that are for the 'mutual benefit' of all. Second, at least for me, our employees have a couple of means in which to voice their complaints, HR of course, a Kaizen newspaper if it's waste related & an open door policy - this forum really has just one - the forum itself. These changes weren't announced - they happened suddenly & not all of the changes are good (brown lettering, small fonts, etc.). In addition, when we, at least I, make changes in the company I let people know what the phase in period is - just to avoid situations like these. The idea behind communicating the phase in period is simple - communicate the process and the time frames to ward off inpatience/confusion by the people. As people that contribute to the forum & help 'sell' the forum feature by participating, we do have a voice. Let us have the voice.
  • I am convinced that this forum is a microcosm of what happens in our own little worlds. We form opinions, alliances, break or change alliances, disagree with some, agree with others... and so on, and so on. And this thread is a good example of what we deal with on a regular basis. Mwild, you are right concerning your frustration and desire to voice your displeasure. But, there have been threads, and will be more I'm sure, about bosses who make changes or do things without much forethought, in our opinions. Then we HR types come in and try to clean up the mess. Yes, we try to establish many channels of communication at our employers to benefit each employee. I find it interesting though that the more we do, the more they complain. I just had to deal with a complaint of a breakdown in communication this past week. The complainer was really way off base and aimed his displeasure at the wrong people.

    I'm not throwing any stones, even though I am replying to Mwild's post. Every complaint, and I added a couple too, I agree with. But, I along with Beagle, liked Paul's "Who Moved My Cheese" comment. All of a sudden we have all been moved from our comfort zones on the forum.
  • Ruby: How long do you reckon patience ought to last? It's been every bit of 36 hours. Do you recommend we wait, what, maybe 72? The fact is nothing was wrong with the format until this genious started messin' around with it. Perhaps you could come back next week and see if it's fixed to your liking. Me, I tend to give my opinion. Sorry.
  • Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but mine is more along the lines of "ditto" to Ruby and Paul in CB.

    I got my HR Hero shirt the other day in response to my subscription renewal, and after the comments about the woman on the banner, I'm having serious second thought about posting a picture. Years could come and go before there's a confluence of the forces of nature and photography to result in a good hair day, a good photo pose day, a good body image day, and a good lighting day all at the same time.
  • Whirlwind, some have been very vocal expressing their displeasure. But, if you stick around long enough, you will realize a lot of our bluster is more good natured ribbing. Don in particular, and a couple of others I think, made some negative remarks about the woman's picture on the banner at the top. But, she is a nameless face to us used for advertising purposes. We have been very kind to those who have posted their pictures. If you post your picture you will be treated with the utmost respect, even from Don and maybe especially from Don, even though he has been the most vocal about the banner ad at the top. Please don't form the wrong impression of us based just on this thread.
  • Thanks, Ray, but not to worry – I might not be the most frequent flyer on the forum, but I’ve been around awhile (mainly as Whirlwind and only as “2” when posting from home – hence the low post number) and have a bit of a handle of the customs and habits of this tribe. I was perfectly serious in my first paragraph but only joking in the second one about being afraid to post my picture. It’s not fear that holds me back – it’s vanity. I really hate to be seen in an XL t-shirt that fits me approximately like a pup tent. Oh well, while I’m pondering a work-around on that, let me say that I completely agreed with your earlier post about the forum as a microcosm. I’ve spent more time than I care to admit mulling these interpersonal dynamics, and I’m fully convinced that a social scientist of the distant future will uncover the forum files and use them to illustrate the sociological/anthropolgical implications of early electronic communication.
  • Ah Whirlwind... the "2" suffix and low number of posts threw me off. Yes, I've seen you around for awhile. Glad everything is cool. x:D

    Hey, the emoticon short cuts are working again.
  • I do not deal well with surprise changes. Can't I take a day off without this happening??? As for bad hair girl, I feel alot better about the way I look today.
  • I'm not having any real problems so far. I'm generally a big "If it ain't broke..." guy, but a little freshening up doesn't hurt. I'm not having the trouble with font size and blue boxes or anything, so I'm not sure what the issues are. And Don, I'm really disappointed you haven't yet referred to the woman at the top of this page as Ritaanz.

  • you're in trouble now Frank!!
  • As long as we are talking about changes to the Forum, why didn't they correct the thing that drives me crazy? On this thread, there is no easy way to get from one reply to the next. Why isn't there a "next reply" button???? This is the "ONE" change that should have been made to make our lives easier. Also, I agree with Don. Get rid of the scarey lady at the top and put on someone hot, like one of us!!!

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