PHR Exam

Ok ya'll...I am studying for the PHR exam on Decemeber 6, but I just DO NOT have the money for the learning system offered by SHRM, so does anyone out there have any suggestions for studying? I bought the certification guide and another HR book, but any help would be appreciated, as I am already nervous and I still have over a month!


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added

  • Hi Nicole,

    Are you a member of a local SHRM chapter where maybe you could borrow someone's books? I took the PHR in May and (maybe it is just me) found that the questions i.e. terminology is geared towards the wording in the Learning System. The closest reference material to the learning system is the Mathis Jackson book titled Human Resource Management however it is not nearly as extensive. I haven't looked but maybe on e-bay someone could be trying to sell their copy of the Learning System? Worth a try I guess.
  • I took the thing (and passed) last December without using the learning system because I couldn't afford it either. Go the the SHRM site and the certification bulletin board and get in touch with Allena K. She will send you a study outline (great material). There are also several online study groups and they share material. I didn't go that route, but someone did send me a number of tests from the groups and I used those. There are also some cheaper materials out there and some used ones. The SHRM bulletin board will be able to help you.

    Good luck.
  • I have last year's Learning System for sale. You can email me at if you're interested.
  • I'm not trying to cost you a sale Damien but I was told that the test changed this year and last years books were obsolete. I'm sure there is much of the same terminology but as was mentioned before, these tests are geared to the wording in the books so I don't know how much this will effect the new test? You may want to contact SHRM and ask them.
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