What on earth is "business chic"?

Baby brother has finally landed a new job after 1.5 years of unemployment, to the great relief of his siblings, who have been anticipating a lifetime of providing bed and board for him. New job is as IT help desk person in a law firm in Boston, so he will be interacting with all levels of employees. Dress code, according to the headhunter firm, is "business chic," which I have to admit is leaving me stumped. I suspect it is a step above "business casual," but have no idea in what way. Please, does anyone have any idea what this might entail? Would hate to have baby brother return to the ranks of the unemployeed because he wore the wrong clothes. BB is challenged in the wardrobe department and wants me, his big sister, to buy him some new clothes. After more than a year of unemployment, his wardrobe seems to consist of bike clothes, running clothes and messing around on his computer clothes and nothing suitable for an office job. Any advice would be welcome.



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