I quit smoking. I'm losing my mind. Help!

I haven't had a cigarette since Saturday night. It's been two and a half days now. I was fine at home the past two days, but now that I'm at work SOMEONE IS GOING TO DIE. Any words of wisdom or advice from the forumites? I'm not a wimp, I'm pretty bullheaded and I want to succeed at this, but I'm getting weepy and evil and am about to come out of my skin! Could use some ideas!!!
Focus on getting through one hour at a time - or even 15 minutes at a time if necessary. Eventually you will look at the clock less and less and it will get easier. You will also start to feel so much better.
My husband used Zyban. It helped him with the irritability and moods. He was very mellow while on it, but our insurance didn't pay for it and it costs $125 per bottle.
Good luck!
Good luck! This may be the hardest thing you ever do. I've tried a few times and the weight gain always made me go back to smoking. But I'm thinking about trying again.
Try eating celery and carrot sticks. Also, try putting a rubber band on your wrist and snap it (hard!) when you think you're about to freak out.
I quit a year ago, but also quit back in 1987 for five years. In my case, the stress bone's connected to the smoke bone, so find something during the day that you can do to de-stress (I take a walk through the plant, but keep away from the door to the outdoor smoking area). I also make it a habit to stay out of bars - a dry martini with a twist tastes just as good at home.
I also took up walking which led to taking up golf. In the golf season, I usully golf 9 holes each workday and 18 holes on weekends and holidays. By staying active and eating healthy foodsI have not put on a pound.
Quitting smoking will be the best thing you've ever done for yourself. Don't give up! You'll smell better, feel better and save money. Good luck!
I too have joined you in the grueling process of kicking the habit. I haven't gone cold turkey like yourself (I tried that, my husband almost died). I visited the family doctor for a prescription to Wellbutrin which is the same thing as Zyban but insurance companies pay for it! I have to take it for 2 weeks and then start the patch. You can't smoke at all on the patch. I don't know if I'll need the patch though, I have already cut down from a pack a day to maybe 4 or 5 a day and I've been on Wellbutrin for 2 weeks.
Call your doctor tell him you want Wellbutrin. Good Luck!!
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Good luck, I hope to join you one day soon. I heard something yesterday that made so much sense to me. We don't worry about our health until it's in jeopardy. Good health is cheap, most of the time free. Treating our poor health is very expensive.
Gave me something to think about.
I have quit smoking also. It will be a year for me in October. I used Zyban for a month. It is not an easy habit to break but hang in there it does get better. I work out every day and drink alot of water. Water fills you up so you don't eat as much. I gained about 10 lbs. but I am loosing the wieght. Give your body time to adjust. This is a big adjustment for you and your body.
Hang in there.
Good Luck
Hang in there, I've given up several addictive things in my life (none illegal, maybe some immoral, but none of them smoking), so can't give you advice on that. I have lived through both my wife and my assistant giving up smoking, so it's not impossible.
I hate to be a downer, but my mom smoked from the age of 18 until 4 months ago. (She's 63) The reason she quit? Small-cell lung cancer. Mainly smokers get it, and it's terminal-period. I won't go into the gory details of the surgery, the chemo and now the radiation, but suffice it to say, it's been ugly, and painful, and for what? Maybe we keep her 6 months longer?!?
In the middle of all of it, she said to me "I just want to hear Anna(my baby daughter, her only grandchild) talk. My heart has never been broken in the same way before, and hopefully never will again. She was supposed to live until her 80's like her parents, not to 63 or 64....
BUCK UP AND DO IT! (good luck -- I'm thinking of you)
Congrats! I quit six years ago and I calculate I have saved $4000 in cigarettes not to mention dry cleaning, health issues, etc.
I found the nicotine gum were tremendously helpful in dealing with the cravings. My other tip is to announce what you have done to AS MANY people as you can. That will make it harder to ever go back to smoking.
I still remember the day that I realized that 24 hours had gone by and I had not thought of a cigarette.
Welcome to life!
Paul in Cannon Beach, Or
Cigarettes are over $5.00 a pack here in NY so that money can add up quickly. Good luck and I hope I could be of some help.
..26 years and counting.
My father farmed and his main crop was tobacco. (Our family is embarrassed to admit that, but it got us educated and grown.). However, none of us smoke. The best way to encourage kids not to smoke is to have them work during the summer in the hot hot sun in south GA in the tobacco fields. Not only is it back breaking work, but when you walk through you come out with the black sticky stuff all over you (nicotine) and you can't wait to get a bath. (Just think that that goes into your lungs.) However, I must admit that one of the best smells I remember as a child and young adult is the smell of tobacco curing in the barns in the back yard during the sumemer.
I know a lot of people who years after stopping to smoke still use the nicorette gum after meals or in an emergency. You might want to think about trying this. Also, keep thinking of what you can do with the money you save!!
Good luck and do try to stick with it. It will be one of the smartest moves you ever make!! (Glad to hear you told everyone. This forces you to think twice when cravings hit. I am sure they will be supporting you. Just ask for help.)
E Wart