Does a big bootie really matter?

I've been listening to a local radio show this morning. They're conducting an informal survey about whether it matters if a spouse/significant other "lets themselves go" after marriage or committing to the relationship. Of course there was the one guy who called to ask "how fat are we talkin'?" I was amazed that the callers were more concerned for their partner's health than their appearance. I think that's great, but fat jokes run up and down these halls all the time, and I am one of the girls here obsessed with my staying slim. I don't care if my fiance goes bald, gains fifty pounds, grows a tail or pierces his nose. He's a wonderful man, and my only concern would be for his health. What do you guys think? Is a big bootie or a Buddha belly that big a deal?
If he's a little overweight with cute love handles on the sides - but in reasonably good health, then it doesn't matter. If he's out of shape, in poor health and not willing to do anything about it - then it matters.
It is the inside that matters - but hygiene is right up there too!
For myself, I try to ride my bicycle on Sunday mornings, but being so dry here -I struggle to lose the pounds, got down to 122 last week.
Over the years we have both gained weight and within the last few years have found physical activities that we both enjoy, so we are pretty fit, but still not as skinny as we were when we got married.
So, I would have to say that weight isn't really an issue, it is your health. Being healthy is what matters.
Well we've been together for three and a half years.
I know, I know, I know that I am not supposed to go looking for love in the workplace! But you know what? I have never regretted it!
I remember the old song "Shake your Booty". I guess that's the same part of the anatomy we are talking about!