Wal Mart Braggin' Rights



  • 91% of all the people who have waited on me in recent years have been helpful, smiled and did their job well. It's the jerks who tend to taint the whole rest of the group and those are the ones you remember. Back to the original post though, yes, our Mayor and city codes did require that if Wal Mart or any other store wanted to locate here, they had to tow the line and dump their color scheme and some of their other standard design practice, or they got no permit. Same with the new Home Depot going up near there. They will not have the orange sign and the one they do come up with can be three feet tall. I expect a ruling soon that any beer can tossed out, must be from a car, not a truck, and must be at least Budweiser quality or higher, no Pabst or Milwaukee's Best Lite.
  • Don - Beer in cans? Shocking! I'm sure bottled and imported will be all that is allowed.

  • Forget the beer. I heard the new law is bottled imported wine only.
  • UPDATE! You might not believe this. Today's paper, headlines, Madison tells Wal Mart to screen roof. Large article in today's paper about our mayor telling them that they must adhere to original plan and have no part of roof visible from roadway. Since the new store is down in sort of a valley at intersection of interstate and town highway, the entire white roof can be seen, dome lights and air conditioners and all. Horribly unacceptable! Original architects and landscapers have been called to table to discuss. Mayor says "The place looks like a landing strip at night. The bottom line is they will comply with our ordinances and original plan!" Wal Mart executive quoted as saying, "I'm building a store. If we need to go to the table and discuss alterations, we'll be doing that". Meanwhile, construction of escalator is on track and trucks are arriving with fine imported caviar and a variety of Scottish Tea Cakes for veranda rest areas. (Madison Ain't Fer Sale). Stay tuned.
  • Wow - mayor sounds like one tough cookie. Bringing Wal Mart to their knees - or roofs as the case may be.
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