New Years Resolutions

Credit for the idea should go to Leslie and Renie (from the 'What I wanted to say' post) I figured since noone has started it yet, I might as well...Here goes...

For the record, here and now, please state your New Year's resolution (keeping in mind that all of us here will hold you to them!)

My New Year's Resolution:

On a serious note, I've decided to FINALLY start eating healthier and exercising more...I've been saying it for years...but this year is it, I feel it!


  • 27 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • This is one that I made last year and it went so well that I am going to do it again this year. I will do my utmost to get my husband to gas up my car every week. x:-) Coming from NJ where they are more civilized and have gas station attendants who pump your gas, wipe your windshield AND check your oil, I consider it a challenge to get the gas tank filled without touching the gas pump.
  • "Coming from NJ where they are more civilized and have gas station attendants who pump your gas, wipe your windshield AND check your oil, I consider it a challenge to get the gas tank filled without touching the gas pump."

    Ritaanz...has it been a long time since you've been to NJ?? They aren't so civilized anymore in that they don't wipe the windshields and they don't ask to check the oil anymore. At least not where I've been getting gas. It's more of a gas and go, get em outta here kinda stop! I think the only places in NJ you might find that is at a non-chain kind of gas station, but there you run the risk of higher prices and not knowing what type of gas they are using.

  • Strange, I was out there for family business last year. Found the local gas stations to be just as customer oriented as before. Don't know what the ones on the Turnpike or the Parkway are like. Did't use them. Couldn't afford em.
  • I usually resolve not to make any resolutions. I find it difficult to stick with it all year long. Plus, there's enough pressure in my life already - why would I add to it when everyone around me does such a great job. For me, resolutions are good intentions. I'm sure we all remeber what our Mom's told us about good intentions and the road to h***.
  • My resolutions are to not take things so seriously and to smile more. I think I will start early. x:D
  • Ditto, fransfield!!!!!! x:D

    For myself, I've noticed that wanting to be "in control" all the time can be a very addictive disease. My husband's favorite thing to say to me is "Let it go .... let it go ...." My response is usually "Okay, just let me finish this one last thing." My 2003 goal will be to say "Heck, you're right! Let's have some fun and play with the our new little baby!"

    Christy Reeder
    Website Managing Editor
  • Good Morning All! After reading my friend's version of the following, I thought I would like to adopt it as my own!

    For my New Year’s resolution, I will be officially tendering my resignation as an adult. I have decided I would like to accept the responsibilities of an 8 year-old again…

    I want to go to McDonald's and think that it's a four star restaurant.

    I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make a sidewalk with rocks.

    I want to think M&Ms are better than money because you can eat them. (And now they have new colors!)

    I want to lie under a big oak tree and run a lemonade stand with my friends on a hot summer's day.

    I want to return to a time when life was simple, when all you knew were colors, multiplication tables, and nursery rhymes, but that didn't bother you, because you didn't know what you didn't know and you didn't care. All you knew was to be happy because you were blissfully unaware of all the things that should make you worried or upset.

    I want to think the world is fair.

    That everyone is honest and good.

    I want to believe that anything is possible.

    I want to be oblivious to the complexities of life and be overly excited by the little things again. (Like seeing the world’s biggest ball of twine)

    I want to live simple again. I don't want my day to consist of computer crashes, mountains of paperwork, depressing news, obnoxious sales people, how to survive more days in the month than there is money in the bank, doctor bills, gossip, illness, and loss of loved ones.

    I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, a kind word, truth, justice, peace, dreams, the imagination, mankind, and making angels in the snow.

    (I want all of these employees to learn all of this through osmosis.)x}>

    So . . . here's my checkbook and my car keys, my credit card bills, 401K statements, whining/gossipy employees and hard headed managers. I will be officially resigning from adulthood as of 1/1/2003.

    And if you want to discuss this further, you'll have to catch me first, cause............."Tag! You're it."

    ((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))) Hope Ya'll join me!

    PS: Thank God I only have 55 days until I am lying on the beach, enjoying wonderful margaritas and watching whales in Zihuatenejo, Mexico for 2 weeks. x:7

  • I'll join ya...

    Tag you're it! No tagbacks!

    Now that felt great on this crazy friday the 13th!
  • Now come on all...fess up and tell us your New Years resolutions...I know there's more of you out there with them!
  • Thanks for Starting this Post...

    Like Christy I am going to try to "Let go" a little more this coming year.

    I would also like to become a better friend.
  • My resolution is to make a very real effort to send out 2 resumes per week in my effort to find a new (better) employer!
  • Got this in an email and thought it might be worth a try:

    1. Free your heart from hatred
    2. Free your mind from worries
    3. Live simply
    4. Give more
    5. Expect less

    Happy Holidays to you all!
  • My son and daughter both graduated from Mississippi State on December 13th. Therefore, I resolve to smile about that for at least 20 days before I start paying their rent and bills again as they pursue masters' degrees.

    I also resolve to pick back up learning to play the fiddle next year. Yankees and some others who don't know better call it a violin. Down here it's a fiddle.

    I resolve to finally invent a beer can holder for the riding mower.

    I also resolve to take a small tent on some of my road trips next year so I can enjoy waking up near some of these beautiful country roads I ride on weekends.

    I also resolve to never let anybody inside my sleeping bag again except my wife!

    I also resolve to do some research on de-annexing Pascagoula, Mississippi to the State of Alabama (just a few miles East) so I can claim no knowledge of Trent Lott.

  • Don: I can't resist. Please tell us the story of the sleeping bag and who shared it with you. x;-)
  • Do you take me for an absolute idiot???
  • My resolutions are:

    1. To forgive those Southerners that assume (you know what that does)Northerners aren't educated in southern life. x:o

    2. To have more patience with my family, co-workers and friends.

    3. To appreciate life every day no matter what is dealt to you.

    Happy New Year x:*

  • I read this quote about a month ago and decided that is would be my new year's motto to live by...“May we never let the things we can’t have, or don’t have, spoil our enjoyment of the things we do have and can have.“
    -Richard L. Evans

  • I resolve to eat and drink less, smoke not at all and excercise more. I think all those will remove "smile more" out of the resolution!
  • Okay, so here it is the 2nd week into the New Year. How many of you are actually sticking to your resolutions?

    Or are you saying:

    Resolutions?? What resolutions??
  • I am definitly trying to live my resolution this year. It is hard to change your lifestyle in 10 days - that is why it is a New "Year" resolution.

    That is why I wrote it on the forum- so I can go back in a month or so and see if I still feel I am keeping my promise to myself.

    Good luck to everyone this year! xclap
  • Keep trying to make time to exercise more ( my resolution ), but so much to do
    after the 2 hour drive home during the week, and weekends are
    for just going around on errands.

  • I just read somewhere an idea for people who have long commutes because of traffic. The suggestion was to join a gym that was close to work so you could avoid the traffic during the rush hour and get your workout in.

    Something to think about....
  • Yes, but that would require getting up earlier. x;-)
  • I am just going to have to get uo earlier on the weekends, and actually rode my bicycle last Saturday. During the week, I am up at 3:45 am, leave home at 5 am ,to get to the factory by 7 am - that's plenty early enough!

  • I had the resolution to fit into a size 10 bridemaid dress for a friend's wedding in June. Unfortunately, that means I have to resolve to lose about 50 pounds, so I am resolving to think about whether I can live without burgers and ice-cream for a year, or live with hips the size of Texas. (And being from there, I know how big Texas is!!) As of right now, I am really envisioning myself in that beautiful dress with toned arms, svelte hips, a slim waist,
    an- oh crap,I just dropped my double-fudge sundae in my lap..have to get back with you all later!

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