Criminal Background Guidelines

I use to have a guideline when I worked at a bank in regards to if we would hire a candidate based on a criminal charge and when the crime happened.

Does anyone use something like this? If so, I would appreciate it if you could email it to me at [email][/email]

Thank you!!!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The laws vary by state, however, basic guidelines include only "convictions," not "charges". You can generally go back 7 years for criminal background checks (convictions). The other relevant points include the job and employer - checks must be more stringent if dealing with any business that relates to children or health care and convictions involving "moral turpitude". Otherwise, you're safer from a legal standpoint if you relate the relevance of the offense to the job description.
  • In a nutshell, here are our guidelines:

    The following criteria has been established in order to designate a background report as either a “Fail” or “Pass” as it applies to this program:

    Criminal: Any felony or misdemeanor conviction involving: theft, fraud, deception, assault, destruction of property, firearms, controlled substances, rape, murder, and/or domestic violence.  A pending misdemeanor or felony in any of these categories will also be considered a ‘fail’ until such time as the matter is adjudicated in the courts.  Subject may later reapply for placement if no conviction resulted. Criminal fail criteria may vary based on state law. 

    SSN: Any clear misrepresentation of the SSN provided and/or misrepresentation of identity. 

    Terrorist List Search:   Verified identification on US Treasury Terrorist List.

    No criminal conviction involving any of the categories listed above, or no misrepresentation issues regarding social security or identity.

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