10 and 12 Hour Days in Arizona?

We are looking at changing some of our plant personnel to 4 10hr days and maybe a shift of 2 12hr days and 2 8 hr days.. Does anyone see any problem with this - and we are able to do this even though some employees may not like it, right?
(Also as we are in AZ, there shouldn't be any problem with paying OT, unless they work over 40 hrs in a week, right?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You have a right to set work hours and working conditions for your business as you see best. Your challenge then becomes finding workers willing to accept those terms and hopefully doing so in a productive manner. Are these changes permanent or only temporary? Have you assessed the impact on your current workers? You won't ever please them all with change, but I'm sure you don't want to have large turnover of experienced employees who for whatever reason can't work those hours and can easily find other employment opportunities. Ultimately you have to balance your production needs with the needs of those doing the work.

    You shouldn't have any legal issues with the overtime as long as you follow the 40 hour rules. However, you may have some internal rules that need revising where previously you might have paid OT after 8 hours per day or other such wording.
  • Our company works a 10 hour day, 4 day work week. The first shift starts at 5:00 am and ends at 3:30 pm; second shift starts at 3:15 pm and goes till 1:45 am. Our people love it. If necessary, we schedule OT on Friday and they still have Saturday and Sunday to enjoy.

    We found that working 12 hour days was not productive or efficient. After 10 hours the employees' energy level was zippo.

    Our work force is about even, 50% males, 50% females. If the majority of your females have small children, that may pose a problem with babysitters and school. Our ladies love the hours. They are on the road by 4:30 am and dad gets to feed the kiddies, dress 'em, etc. x:D
  • I tend to agree with ritaanz. Even though our medical practice is open five days a week, we often let certain staff work four 10s. After about a 10 hour day, productivity takes a nose dive. Hospitals are famous for working 12 hour shifts, but the nurses that come to us from the hospitals say working three 12s burns them out pretty fast and it takes the other days off to recover.

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