Exempt time tracking?!?

We need to track exempts' time so that it can be appropriately charged to the particular job that person is working on. This makes sense to me. However, my employer is currently tracking ALL time - not just that spent on the jobsite. I'm thinking this is a no-no. Accounting is arguing that they need to know the what was office time & what was job time for general ledger purposes. My thoughts are - take the person's salary, subtract the job $$$ and whatever is left goes to the office line. Granted, I'm not an accountant, but tracking every bit of an exempt employee's time is giving me heartburn. Any thoughts????


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • This was just discussed in a message from "Turbo" on this forum that you might want to look at. The way I understand it you can track an exempt employee's time as long as their pay is not affected by it. I worked at a non-profit previously where we needed to track time spent on various projects and we never ran into a problem. The exempt individuals just filled out a form showing what they did each day from the time they came to work to when they left. Accounting reviewed it and kept track of the various projects but it was never passed onto Payroll and their pay was never affected by it.
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