salary adjustments

We are wanting to make salary adjustments to a group of our staff who work in the same program. My question is this...Currently the starting salary for these positions is $21,500. We want to increase the starting salary to $24,000.
I wanted to know how others handle salary adjustments. Do you give all the staff a $2,500 adj, the difference between the $24,000 and $21,500? What about the employees who are currently making more than $24,000? Do they still get the $2,500? Are more companies paying based on experience instead of paying the same, even though the position is the same?

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  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • we use a range so that someone with many years of experience will have some additional compensation than a person doing the same job who has no or little experience. the range doesn't have to be large, but something would be nice as a reward for the experienced person who brings a wealth of knowledge to the job.
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