Office Administrator/Manager

My doctor always says to check and see what other offices are paying their Office Administrator/Office Manager, when it comes to my review time. This is a one doctor office, but very busy, he sees a lot of patients per day and I do the checks and books for the office and am the HR person, besides everything else an office administrator does. I'm in the midwest and my eval is due now, so please let me hear from you.
The Medical Group Management Association in Colorado was a good source of salary data for all medical occupations.
Hope this helps.
Margaret Morford
Are you translating, that is writing a translation, or are you interpreting by speaking in both languages? Translators are usually paid by the word; interpreters by the hour. Our freelance interpreters charge $35-$60 per hour, depending on both the language pair they work in and if any specialized knowledge of vocabulary is needed, i.e. engineering, medicine, law.
You can check out the American Translators Association web site at [url][/url]. This might be a good place to start. Or try the user group Lantra at [email]LANTRA-L@SEGATE.SUNET.SE[/email]. You can post a question about pay rates there.
Hope this helps.